Another F**k Up From North Wales Police

So North Wales Police have f**ked up again, compensation will have to be paid to Astrid Linse for her motorhome that they sold at auction, which was then stripped for parts.

I hope the tax payer doesn’t have to foot the bill for another cock up: Undoubtedly, we will have to.

Will we be seeing more Go Safe vehicles on the roads to rake the money back?

Arfon Jones, the Police & Crime Commissioner who is obsessed with putting himself in the limelight and telling us how good North Wales Police are, you never see him commenting on any of the many f**k ups committed by his force, this being another example.

Will he be going back for an emergency meeting with the the Council and in particular Julie Fallon Smith (another one who likes the limelight) to ask for more money from the public purse to cover the compensation costs?  Readers of the blog, please expect another council tax rise to cover these costs.

Arfon Jones, please ask the Chief Constable Carl Foulkes and those responsible for recruitment of police staff here in North Wales to comprehensively vet new recruits to your force as paedophilia seems to be rife throughout the force, as in the cases of Gordon Anglesea, Garry Donnelly, Ian James Clarke, the list is endless and the most recent one is Stuart Bradshaw.

Readers of the blog, stay tuned for a shocking revelation about a Senior police officer.


Flying for Justice

In April 2012, Mrs Celia Service lost her life due to the unlawful driving of Geoffrey Read, a 90-year-old Freemason and friend of David Jones MP when she was hit by Geoffrey Read’s high-powered Jaguar XF as he sought to pick up a water bottle found in the driver’s footwell.

CCTV evidence expertly examined after this tragic incident, proved that Geoffrey Read was fully ‘compos mentis’ at the time of the accident and clearly shows him attempting to pick up the water bottle.

North Wales Police headed by now retired Chief-Superintendent Simon Humphreys did not interview Geoffrey Read under caution until several weeks after the tragic incident, they failed to breathalyse Geoffrey Read at the scene or take any kind of statement from him even though he was uninjured.

Eight years on, David Service refuses to give up on getting justice for his beloved wife, despite all the obstacles North Wales Police continue to put in his way.


Keep in mind readers of the blog, that Simon Humphreys helped to protect those behind the Thoughts of Oscar blog (David Jones MP, Dylan Moore and Nigel Roberts) who shortly after the poison pen blog was forced to close and the many complaints made by the public about the blog & the police involvement, coincidently resigned from the force!!

18 months ago, I attended the Bodlondeb council offices with David Service and other members of the public, where the annual Police Commissioners AGM was taking place. In attendance were at least 20+ Conwy County Councillors, the meeting was led by the then Chief Constable Mark Polin and chaired by Cllr. Julie Fallon Smith.

The purpose for our combined visit was to help David Service in politely confronting Mark Polin regarding his force’s actions in covering up his wife’s tragic death.

David Service he politely asked the question of Mark Polin, who then callously turned around to this tearful widower and said, “Why are you asking this of me, I’ve heard it all before”.

As for Cllr Fallon Smith, she came over to me personally and said that “this was not that type of meeting, you can’t ask questions, you need to put it in writing 10 days before” she then closed the meeting.

I wanted to ask something of the Chief Constable face to face, that a North Wales police officer told me that he was ordered to arrest a Sergeant who’d recently gone to Mark Polin’s house and thumped him because he’d been having an affair with the Sergeant’s wife.

Coincidently as the these 20+ councillors left the meeting room, passing a grieving David Service, only one lady stopped to offer her condolences. Mark Polin has since retired from the force and got himself a new job at Betsi Cadwalader Health Service, he knows nothing about the NHS.

During the fly over today, I was in constant contact with the pilot, he told me that he saw police personnel exit the HQ, pointing up at him and filming the plane & banner. On behalf of David and the late Celia Service, I would like to thank all those North Wales Police Officers that came out today in support against the corrupt actions of their colleagues and to watch the flyover.

I’d also like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who works for the NHS and all of the key workers for all your hard work.


Unlawful Killing, Covered up by North Wales Police

On April 16th, 2012, Mrs Celia Service was unlawfully killed whilst out shopping with her daughter, who coincidently was a serving police officer.

Mr David Service, husband of Celia has campaigned for over 7 years to get justice for his wife and seriously injured daughter; North Wales Police have conspired to protect the guilty party Mr Geoffrey Fitzwalter Read. They failed to bring any charges against him, Mr Read only had one interview with North Wales Police, they failed Mr Service and let him down badly.

This story is really compelling, heart rendering and will bring a tear to your eye, it may take over an hour to read but please do read it to the end. This story is written by Mr Service himself and is supported by the findings of a renowned private investigator Mr Michael Naughton.

Please click on the link below to read the full story:

Councillor Julie Fallon Smith Duped Our Community

Three years ago, a local lady in our area of Conwy came up with a fantastic idea to help the children from Syria who were now refugees in Lesbos in Greece. She decided to set up a Facebook group asking people to donate any children’s clothes, from this she formed a group of volunteers with other mothers in the area calling themselves ‘Syrian Sisters Cymru’ and it wasn’t long before councillor Julie Fallon Smith joined the group; Syrian Sisters Cymru really became quite big in the area by getting a lot of publicity from social media and also from the local papers.

I believe Councillor Julie Fallon Smith joined this group for one thing only and that was to help promote herself. Can I make it quite clear that all the volunteers worked really hard and didn’t know what was going on behind-the-scenes, Cllr Fallon Smith knew exactly what she was promoting and what she was getting up to. All the clothes donated by the community had to be sorted & then put in bags and then stored in a warehouse in Mochdre; the Syrian Sister’s Cymru group decided to do some charity events to raise funds to send a 40-foot container of clothes to Greece, they even got local schools involved.–10011957

A Just Giving account was also set up for people to donate money, they raised money by selling off designer & expensive clothes by doing a catwalk style sale ‘swish’ charity night with cash donations.

Councillor Julie Fallon Smith, your favourite saying to the volunteers and schools was “I’m a councillor, my husband’s a Police Officer and we have lots of influence in the area”; you don’t have Julie, people have seen right through you now for what you really are. The Just Giving account was set up by Julie’s husband PC 2364 Mike Smith, cash donations were collected in by Julie from the schools and at any charity events, she was in charge of the money. This all seemed a marvellous and fantastic idea until someone from the group approached Julie and asked could they have the money raised to give to ‘Syria Relief’ so they could pay for the transportation of the clothes container. Julie refused to hand over the money and said, “oh no, that’s not what we are using it for now, we’re going to use it for something else”. One of the senior members of the Syrian Sisters Cymru group was livid and fuming at this, so she contacted some of the local schools, telling them not to give the donations to Julie, she was told it’s too late… Councillor Julie Fallon Smith had already been and had the money.

Some of the group went along with it, leaving Julie in charge and some were livid as this campaign was set up for one reason only, that was to raise funds to pay for the container to be sent to Greece to help these children. None of us can speculate, we don’t know what Councillor Fallon Smith has done with that money, she may have paid her own mortgage with it or she may have donated to another charity, we don’t know.

I’m asking you councillor Julie Fallon Smith, on behalf of our community and on behalf of Syrian Sisters Cymru, please can you tell us where the £1800 has gone?

Please see the pictures of the volunteers loading the container



Above are pictures of the volunteers who worked extremely hard putting clothes in to bags and loading the container; please see the pictures below of Julie Fallon Smith with a group of mothers ‘Syrian Sisters Cymru’ where they are asking the community to help raise £1000 to transport donated items to Greece. I have blacked out the mother’s faces, it’s just Julie’s face showing, you can also see the Just Giving Page with the logo of Llandudno FC on it, with pictures of the mothers again telling the community that so far at that time, they had raised £605. I’m a little surprised here, why Llandudno FC’s logo is linked to Syrian Sisters Cymru fund raising, is there something Cllr Fallon Smith is hiding, as her favourite saying is “I’m a councillor, my husband is a Police Officer and we have a lot of influence in the community”.


After various people telling me that something dodgy was going on here, I decided to investigate thoroughly and through some hard work I managed to locate the receipts dated 27th of October 2015, where it states the wagon loaded with the container left unit 1C, Commerce business Park, Colwyn Bay, LL28 5HX and proves that Syria Relief paid for the container, not Syrian Sisters Cymru.

I then contacted the Syria Relief on 0161 860 0163, I spoke to Mr M Hameed, explained the whole situation to him and why I was sending him the receipt; this information was sent to him on 13th October 2018, he called me back later in the day and said all the information has been passed over to Mr Ade Arogundade, the finance manager to investigate.

Could you please read Mr Ade Arogundade’s email back to me, it’s quite clear Cllr Julie Fallon Smith never paid any money to Syria Relief for the container.

Now read my email back to Mr Ade Arogundade:

All we can do now is ask Cllr Julie Fallon Smith what she’s done with the money, Julie I know you’re reading this site along with your family, can you please tell the community where their money has gone to? You may say it’s gone to another cause, I don’t know, I can’t answer your questions. Syrian Sisters Cymru raised that money for no other cause, that money should’ve been forwarded to Syrian Relief to pay for the transportation of the container.

Finally, Councillor Julie Fallon Smith you may fool your community that you represent, but you won’t fool me.

This story continues, part 3 will be shown in a few days.


Councillor Julie Fallon Smith, husband PC 2364 Smith and the flasher at Llandudno FC

Please read below how Julie is selling herself to the voters, to me it’s dog muck.

Julie’s statement:

Well, well, Councillor Fallon Smith, looks like the net is finally closing in, you’re the lady that people think butter wouldn’t melt in your mouth. As you know I attended the Police and Crime panel meeting on Monday, 4th June 2018 in Bodlondeb, Conwy. Just before the meeting was about to start, I brought to your attention that today was the 4th of June and on all of the screens the date said 6th June, may I remind you that you were chairing that meeting and declared your husband was Mike Smith PC 2364 of the North Wales Police, when I confronted you and kindly pointed out the mistake you had the barefaced cheek to tell me it was nothing to do with you and blame the council.

Julie, remember the public voted for you to be where you are today, they expect a woman of honesty and integrity to represent them. It has been brought to my attention that a complaint was made against yourself regarding ‘bin collections’, information has leaked out of the council regarding an email which you will be familiar with, where you told lies, other councillors were at the meeting and they had witnessed that you had lied but it was all kept hush-hush, so you kept your job.

Can I bring to your attention that I have known your husband PC 2364 Mike Smith for longer than yourself, in his early days when he had left school he played football for Conwy United FC & a few other local clubs and was paid cash in hand for playing football nudge-nudge, wink-wink, you know what I mean Julie, the taxman didn’t know about these payments. He then went on to work in Curry’s as a sales assistant in Champney’s retail park, Llandudno; he was a great salesman, and this is how it went ‘pick your own, choose your own, then you can’t moan, take it off the shop floor and collect at the back door’.

Mike eventually joined North Wales Police, whilst on duty he suffered a heart attack and was taken to Bangor Hospital, you say he is 6ft 3” and spent over 20 hours on a trolley, you make out as if he was squashed in to a shopping trolley, so you Julie made an official complaint to Betsi Cadwalader University Health Board. Do you think because he’s a policeman & you’re a councillor it gives you the right to preferential treatment?

Please read the paedophile post’s story on PC 2364 Mike Smith:

Julie, I don’t know how up-to-date you are with Betsi Cadwalader, but more than £90 million in clinical negligence claims are expected to be paid out in North Wales over the next couple of years, this sum was revealed in a report at a meeting of the Betsi Cadwalader University health board, by director of corporate services Chris Wright, there are currently 790 claims against the board open, 674 for clinical negligence and 120 for personal injuries, around 700 are expected to be settled before next year; so your husband lying in a hospital bed will not have a claim.

Could you please read your tweet below, as a councillor and your husband being a police officer, you both should’ve known better that your film club should have had the right license (I wonder who you’ll blame for this).

Julie, do you remember yourself and Mike took your 8 year old son for after-school football coaching, sessions attended 12 weeks, total 2 terms your son was coached by a well-respected, highly regarded local coach who has coached professional footballers, yet you both refused to pay some of the fees, the coach has approached you and Mike and requested payment, you both refuse to pay, coming up with a poor excuse, reason given, you didn’t think there was quality in his coaching, yet it takes 2 terms for you to decide this. There is still an outstanding bill of £30, Mr & Mrs Smith it would be most appreciated if you could settle this bill with the coach ASAP.

Talking of outstanding bills Julie, you have borrowed money from people in the council, they don’t wish to be named but would appreciate if you could settle this debt, thank you.

Moving on Julie to Mike’s football career; Mike is the manager of the under 15’s at Llandudno and during one of the games, a bad tackle was made on one of the lads, isn’t this football, it happens every day! Mike then made derogatory remarks towards the referee, it got so bad that the referee took out his red card and asked Mike to leave the area, Mike refused to leave. Eventually, you took over Julie as the caretaker manager for the rest of the game, as this incident was not recorded, Mike seemed to get his own way again, the poor referee didn’t want to make a fuss as he knew Mike was a copper and you were a councillor; money and power springs to mind Mr and Mrs Smith.

         Mike using his power as a police officer to get money

You are a lady Julie who loves the limelight and likes to talk big at Chester races, the truth be known you haven’t got a pot to pee in, when you really are mutton dressed as lamb!!

Please read the link below PC 2364 Mike Smith bravely revealed he suffered sexual abuse as a boy at the hands of his junior football coach, Mike says this went on for six years:

PC 2364 Mike Smith, you are a very brave man coming forward and telling our community your story, after you suffering such an ordeal I find it very hard to believe that you work at Llandudno football club, your right-hand man being Gerald Williams who is a habitual flasher, convicted several times, some of his previous convictions were for exposing himself to a female neighbour in 2002 and a female stranger in 2003.

Please read the link below on Gerald Williams:

I just can’t believe what I’m reading, the plot really starts to thicken, please read below, Trevor Lloyd Hughes the FAW president presenting Gerald Williams ‘the flasher’ with an award, Gerald has volunteered at Llandudno FC for over 25 years and they said every club needs a volunteer like Gerald, he even assists with bringing the balls back into the ground. The article below was published on Llandudno FC’s website and shared to people’s Facebook accounts but was quickly taken down when the people realised who Gerald was and what he’d done.

You would think the local councillor Julie Fallon Smith and her husband being a policeman would not have this man anywhere near children, I am deeply saddened and appalled at this, despite the fact that Llandudno FC have come along way over the last few years with the development of their ground & clubhouse and there are many lads and ladies that commit themselves to the club 100%. PC 2364 Mike Smith resigned as a director at Llandudno FC’s senior side in late 2016.

This is part 1 of the story, part 2 will follow shortly. Loads more to tell on these two plus on PC Gary Cooper too.


The lawyers, the judge and the jury, receive 5 million pounds in the Michael Creamer trial, all paid by mugs money

Following on from the previous posts, I named the 70 police officers and other individuals involved in this investigation, below are more officers involved:

71) the deputy Chief Constable Clive Wolfendale who was the senior investigator in this operation and was responsible for the waste of the public’s money that was spent

72) the main foot-soldier DC 2313 Don Kenyon

73) 883 Garry Martin

74) 1672 Kimberly Owen

75) 1555 Lisa Jones

76) DC1833 Stephen Anthony Lloyd

77) Superintendent Simon Shaw

78) David Gerwyn Lloyd

79) 343 Ramessur Williams

80) 1580 Heaney

The Chief Constable Richard Brunstom a.k.a. the mad mullah and the Deputy Chief Constable Clive Wolfendale were the main 2 officers behind this investigation, I told you readers of the blog how this force has spent over 20 million pounds of mugs money on me you are entitled to see how these two senior officers and their foot soldiers have wasted the public purse.

Before I show you the costings of what the lawyers received in my trial, try and work this one out, Llandudno have had a tatty old police station for years, they have recently demolished the old one and replaced it with a state-of-the-art one costing £2.75 million it was sanctioned by the Police and Crime Commissioner who at the time was Winston Roddick, the new Crime Commissioner is Arfon Jones and when he was a serving police officer in the Wrexham area he was the driver for the convicted paedophile Gordon Anglesey, he gave evidence at Anglesey’s trial at Mold Crown Court confirming he would drop Anglesey off at Bryn Estyn the children’s home but he wouldn’t pick him up. Arfon Jones has just appointed the new Chief Constable and is always asking the council for more money for policing purposes.

How has he got the nerve to ask for more money when Clive Wolfendale wasted millions and millions of the public purse on a victimless crime against Michael Creamer, once again readers of the blog there was no complainee.

Now, let’s have a look at what the lawyers received. The CPS, Mold Crown Court and other agencies i.e. Legal Aid board have refused to give me the costings so I asked a solicitor involved in the trial how much did each firm of solicitors and barristers receive? As I have stated before this was a VHCC Case (Very High Cost Case). This is what the solicitor tells me he got, approximately £60,000 plus VAT total £72,000, 17 solicitors x £72,000 = £1,224,000. Each barrister received £90,000 pounds plus VAT total £108,000, 17 barristers x £108,000 = £1,836,000 and as you have already read the prosecution barrister received £125,000 plus VAT total for prosecution = £150,000.

Total costing for the above lawyers = £4,434,000

Now let’s have a look at how much the judge would have been paid. The Lord Chief Justice in England and Wales is Britain’s best paid judicial figure, receiving £244,665 a year, while another 62 judges earn more than £200,000 according to figures from the last salary review board; the trial judge in my case was his honour Judge John Rogers QC, he was retired and then came out of retirement just to do my trial in 2010. Rogers, by doing my trial and the proceeds of crime hearing in 2011, he would have in total worked approximately eight weeks earning going off the figures above would have received in the region of £40,000, well worth coming out of retirement!!

Now think about this readers of the blog, my apologies for repeating myself, Michael Creamer owed nobody any money, a victimless crime and no complainee, common sense should prevail; it is not in the public’s interest to prosecute this man and his wife. John Rogers before the start of the trial was aware how much the legal aid board were footing this trial over £5,000,000 the greedy fat cats must have been licking their lips at this trial, again this was the mad mullah and Clive Wolfendale’s personal vendetta and the mugs were paying for it, that’s you members of the public.

You may well have a job earning between £30,000 and £50,000 a year minus your tax deductions, contributing to our legal aid board. One thing I can tell you our judges in England and Wales and lawyers would never fake the legal aid system OMG!! I nearly fell off my chair with laughter. Please read the link below its of great interest:

The court service will not give me a breakdown of how much the jurors were paid over a 7-week trial and also the 2 ushers that were always present in the court room, all the court staff, all the administration work, the cost of North Wales Police officers sitting in the court room every day doing nothing, I’ve already told you there was over a ton and a half of paperwork. It is quite amazing that anybody in England and Wales gets convicted of a crime and it goes to the Crown Court, you can’t see a barrister, you have to see a solicitor first, give them all the details of the case, he then prepares it and sends it to the barrister, and Then a barrister represents you in Crown Court, wouldn’t it be easier to see the barrister first and cut out the middleman? You could save millions of pounds in just doing this alone, I suppose that’s a bit too hard for the lawyers to think of.

I would now like to ask the police and crime commissioner to North Wales Arfon Jones what he thinks about this case, the mad mullah Richard Brunsom is now retired and the ex-deputy chief constable Clive Wolfendale has also retired from the force, this is only some of the ways you have seen how they have spent your money on me, they have spent a lot more and you’ll see this on the next post.

Judge John Rogers says that Michael Creamer led a persistent, carefully planned and professionally executed mortgage fraud. The Mob to try and bolster their case, came up with a credit card fraud; I had the same credit cards for over 20 years and still have them, on a more recent application which was approximately in 2007 the application was filled in for a card on my behalf and the figures I earned were not accurate, the credit card company was not interested they were bullied by North Wales police to come and give evidence. What I found quite strange was when I paid the proceeds of crime £350,000 some of the money was paid off my credit card to the mob, all of a sudden, it’s not credit card fraud when they accept payments, I have the receipts of the payments to them.

John Rogers also commended Don Kenyon the officer who led the investigation, quite amazing how Don Kenyon doesn’t remember going in the witness box when I made a complaint to professional standards, he said his memory had faded you have read his comments on previous posts.

The Paedophile Post prints ‘Busted, main orchestrater sees his criminal empire crumble as he’s locked up with his wife’, how strange, that 8 years later I’m still living in the same house, driving the same car and still have those personalised number plates. The Paedophile Post wouldn’t do a FOI request to see how much North Wales Police had spent on me over £20,000,000 of mugs money, that’s what you spent readers of the blog. No mention in the paper the cost of the trial and no mention that Michael Creamer owed nobody any money, this is a fact, so anyone wanting to make a freedom of information request can see for themselves, bullshit sells papers. They also printed a semi-professional footballer was involved, sounds good doesn’t it? A lad who plays for Conwy United, most people in North Wales have never heard of Conwy United and don’t know where their football ground is and they also say my partner in crime was Steve Jones, he’s no friend of mine, he completed a couple of applications on my behalf.

Finally, Clive Wolfendale yourself and the CPS lawyer Simon Curzon did a good job in making the conspiracy, some of those people in that conspiracy I don’t know them, I’ve never seen them or spoken to them, you were settling a personal vendetta with mugs money.

            This paper prints a lot of photos of paedophiles, I don’t want to                                     be associated with those people.

Can’t believe the lawyers in my trial got more money than what it cost to build Llandudno police station. This story continues in a couple of days.


Why Pay SKY £75 Callout Charge?? When You Can Call Garry Sky

Michael Garry Plumb known to people in the Aberconwy area as Gary Sky; Michael Plumb used to work for Crossville buses as a bus driver and not a good driver at that, he once crashed his bus into to a local solicitor Don Roberts from JW Hughes and co. Michael Plumb likes to think he’s a jack of all trades yet is a master of none, he is now advertising in local magazines as Garry Sky, Digital Aerial and Satellite Installation, I’m just trying to warn the local community to be very careful of this man.

Garry Sky

Let’s look at his flyer as advertised in a local magazine:

Garry Sky

He has the audacity to undermine SKY by saying “why pay SKY’s £75, when you can call Garry Sky?” How dare he steal SKY’s name, advertise himself as Garry Sky,is using a personal customer SKY email address to make it look like he’s officially part of SKY and has Garry Sky written all over his van, this must be a breach of copyright surely? There’s no point contacting John Donnelly head of Trading Standards at Colwyn Bay, remember readers of the blog he doesn’t answer his phone on a Friday afternoon, so what I’ve done myself is made a complaint to SKY mobile case team, I was given the lady’s identity number CHM90, the full facts have been given about Michael Plumb trading as Garry Sky, hopefully he won’t be trading much longer under this name. He’s a devious little bugger, I wonder if Sugar Tits has subscribed to the real SKY for the football she is receiving in the drug den, The Maelgwyn?

If you do call Michael Plumb to install your SKY satellite, just to be very careful when letting him into your home as some serious allegations have been made about him and as you all know he’s heavily built and overweight too. He has been known to break a few slates whilst on the roof so once you’ve paid him for the work he’s carried out, you will need a roofer to fix the damage he’s caused on your roof. Michael Plumb, can you please give the materials back that you borrowed a while ago from another TV satellite installer from the Conwy area, this installer does not wish to be named but Mr Plumb can you please return the items, much appreciated.

Also, Mr Plumb, should you see me on the Maelgwyn carpark taking pictures of your van and registration number, the fraud department from SKY asked me could I get them and send them the details. I would just like to point out I didn’t work for SKY TV and never have, I’m just cooperating with them just like you did with North Wales Police, when you made statements, gave the DVD to the police and also gave evidence at Caernarfon Crown Court, your statement will be shown in a couple of days in the next post.

Can I just take you back to your flyer you say “I can fix most problems” let me tell you Michael, you have got a few problems to fix, take it from me you want to go around to your ex-wife’s and fix the spindles on the staircase Ohh!! that sent a shiver down your spine, remember what happened there this will be told too on the next post.

Now moving on to Sugar Tits and yourself, the council tells us Sugar Tits is the licensee and you’re just a handy man that hasn’t got a dog license, but you’re the head of PubSafe, the Mickey Mouse committee why is it Mr Plumb you’re telling the members of PubSafe not to look at my blog? how dare you tell them that using your bully boy tactics are you Michael, well they are not listening to you, they are all reading it and so are the police.

Inspector Ian Verburg, he told the police not to read it either, they are using their wives’ phones to read it, that’s the worst thing you can tell somebody, they will want to read it more, I couldn’t tell people in North Wales not to read the Paedophile Post.

I know PC Gary Cooper visits Sugar Tits pub on a regular basis, I sent him a text last week as you know Mr Plumb once a person is put on PubSafe by your Mickey Mouse committee, he or she should not enter any licensed premises in the Aberconwy area until their ban has finished; can you explain in your next meeting to the committee why you or Sugar Tits are letting banned people back into the pub and you telling them you’re okay to have a soft drink, you know the rules if you enter a pub whilst banned, you get a further 6 months, I’m not having a go at these people who’ve been banned that you have let back in, it’s not their fault, it’s yours or Sugar Tits.

This is the text sent to PC Gary Cooper and John Donnelly:-

Gary as you are the community beat officer for Llandudno junction something you may be interested in the picture I’ve sent is of a male who is currently on pub safe could you please explain to the pub safe committee as to why Gary sky has allowed this male into his pub telling him your ok for soft drinks. Gary sky should know better being the head of pub safe Gary is taking the piss out of the other licensees in Conwy could you please high light this in the next pub safe meeting I will forward you a video of this male with the time and date he was in the pub, so Gary sky can’t deny it, I’m not having a go at the lad who’s banned he’s edged his bet and Gary let him in thank you, Michael

I have edited the man’s face as it is not for all to see. The PubSafe committee and PC Gary Cooper have this picture, Sugar Tits and Mr Plumb have done this quite a few times, letting in people who are banned, just remember Garry Sky or whatever trading name you come under, when you give evidence in court you have got to be whiter than white and you’re certainly not.

I know young teenagers read this site, I’m trying to educate them to stay away from the public house called The Maelgwyn in Llandudno Junction as there is a lot of drugs passed around in that establishment because I am anti-drugs and drugs ruin lives, just remember teenagers say no to drugs and stay away from The Maelgwyn.


North Wales Police Officer Guilty Of Stalking A Female Police Officer

A North Wales police officer Stuart Alfred Bradshaw from Flint, admitted stalking his ex-partner between July 2016 and March 2017. Bradshaw couldn’t cope and was desperate when Emma Dinning told him the relationship was over, Emma who was also a police officer made it clear to Bradshaw that she wanted nothing more to do with him. He accessed one of her social media accounts hundreds of times, Bradshaw also sent flowers & posted a photograph of her and her cat on his Facebook account.

The good old district judge Gwyn Jones gave Bradshaw a 12 week prison sentence suspended for a year and placed him on rehabilitation with £85 costs and a £115 surcharge to be paid. He was also made the subject of a 5 year restraining order not to contact his victim Emma Dinning.

This was the same judge that on 21 December 2016 just before Christmas sent myself and my wife to prison both for 33 months; my solicitor John Brown from Liverpool told Gwyn Jones ‘Mr Creamer has already paid £100,000 to the confiscation unit and you will receive another £250,000 at the end of January early February’ and then reminded the judge ‘that you shouldn’t activate the sentence when a person has assets available’.  Good old Gwyn Jones was having none of it and as I said, he activated the sentence four days before Christmas not taking into account we have children and grandchildren.

The same judge that said he knew nothing about our case yet when he sentenced us, he knew chapter and verse, I have mentioned this before on a previous post; karma comes to everybody Gwyn (before Gwyn was appointed a District Judge, he was a solicitor for Gamlins, some of his clients were affected by the Thoughts of Oscar scandal). A serving police officer who has stalked and abused his position of trust receives 12 week prison sentence suspended for 12 months, he is now likely to lose his job John Hanson from Professional Standards Department is going to be very busy with all these naughty little officers drink-driving and stalking.

Please read the link below to the Paedophile Post: