On July 29th 2004, I was parked up on Lancaster Square with my nephew, mother and wife, when PC 1352 Parminter and PC 913 Rogers came storming out of the police station and went to arrest my nephew who was sitting in my vehicle.
PC 1352 Parminter was aggressive and hostile towards me, refused to explain why he was arresting and handcuffing my nephew, he then began to panic and called in a ‘red one’ (for tho,e of you who don’t know what this is, it’s a panic code for when a police officer is in fear for his life).
I left the square and was told afterwards by my solicitor that 6 police cars came rushing to aid PC Parminter who was in fear of his life.
I was arrested later on that evening and charged for offences under Section 5 Public Order and for obstructing a police officer and was then back on bail for nearly a year.
I said to my solicitor that I had no chance of being found not guilty at Llandudno Magistrates, although I was not guilty of any offence, especially when I was up against 3 members of The Mob.
I attended the trial in February 2005 expecting to be found guilty, although I was not guilty but PC 1352 Parminter failed to turn up and so the case was thrown out!!
Again, this case shows how much money has been wasted by The Mob, the CPS who have insisted on bringing it to court and all for nothing when the witness who was in fear for their life and had to call for urgent back up failed to turn up in court.
Another waste of taxpayers money.