Paula Vaughan Smith partner of ex-Superintendent Rob Kirman avoids court!

Leading on from my last post regarding Superintendent Robert James Kirman and his partner’s drunken escapades. What surprised me was when I attended his court appearance and had the advantage of watching and listening to the video evidence being played the CCTV in the taxi was clear and you could hear Paula Vaughan Smith and Rob Kirman both hurling abuse at the taxi driver and banging on the Perspex window between them and the driver, the language from the two of them was foul; they both had clenched fists banging on the window so if Kirman was charged with criminal damage, why wasn’t Paula Vaughan Smith charged with the same?

Kirman was also charged with a public order offence again, why wasn’t Paula Vaughan Smith charged with this offence? When the taxi driver Sardesh Hassan drove into Wrexham town centre to a place of safety where he was able to stop the taxi, Rob Kirman got out of the taxi and grabbed the taxi driver by the scruff of the neck and took the keys out of the ignition; the CPS clearly got this one right and charged Kirman with common assault, Paula Vaughan Smith played no part in the assault.

When the bouncers came over from a nightclub trying to calm things down, along with other witnesses who saw and heard the incident, both Rob Kirman and Paula Vaughan Smith were both telling the witnesses and the two special constables that they were both police officers. Can I just remind you readers of the blog, that Rob Kirman was a Superintendent at the time, Paula Vaughan Smith is not a police officer, she is a civilian worker, so why didn’t the CPS charge Paula with impersonating a police officer?

Should that have been any other member of the public who had done what she had done that night, they would’ve been charged with criminal damage, a public order offence and impersonating a police officer; these should have been Paula’s 3 charges, but how convenient, Paula accepted a caution for a public order offence and proceedings against her were dropped.

What I also found very strange was this offence happened early in August 2017, it took 6 months to come to court; this was not a fraud case which would’ve been complex to investigate, this was a straightforward assault, criminal damage and public order offence. Was Rob Kirman given 6 months to clear his desk, get his story right and what’s more North Wales Police kept on paying his wages up until a couple of weeks ago.

On the afternoon of 19 February 2018, the court listings says Robert James Kirman was to attend court at 2 o’clock to face the charges he pleaded to, it also said Paula Vaughan Smith was due in court and that they were both due to appear in court 5. Paula Vaughan Smith did not attend court, Kirman appeared alone and it was switched from court 5 to court 4. In court was the District Judge, the prosecutor, Rob Kirman and his lawyer, myself and my wife and what I find strange, sitting at the back of the court behind me was Superintendent Stephen Williams & two of his colleagues, there was also one reporter, what a complete waste of money to have 3 senior officers sitting in the public gallery to support Kirman. What a waste of tax-payers money, you would’ve thought the Judge would have sent the 3 officers out of the court saying have you not got public duties to attend?

Please read the link below that was in the paedophile post yesterday:

Maybe the police could explain to the public why it took 6 months for Rob Kirman to be charged and put in front of the court? And could the CPS explain why Paula Vaughan Smith was not charged?

Rob and Paula both reside at St Mellion’s Crescent in Wrexham, their community must have been shocked at this behaviour I can clearly tell you from watching and listening to the video both of their behaviour was outrageous. What I found shocking is Kirman has been in the force for 24 years and as you know he was fined just under £1500, when the judge asked him how he was going to pay the money, his lawyer said he had no money and has just recently done some part time work for a bank & could he have 56 days to pay the fine; 24 years of work and no money, they may have to sell the his and her’s motorbikes.

Robert Kirman

On the last post you will have read my 3 FOI requests to North Wales Police, you can read 2 of their responses, the one they have not answered is the one where I asked why did Kirman retire or resign from the force and why was Kirman’s partner sacked? We will have to wait and see on that one!

I also told you Paula Vaughan Smith was a civilian that worked at a Police Station, the whistle-blower told me Kirman had her trained so she could go and operate in the ‘Go Safe’ vehicles getting in more overtime and as you can see they also get police officers working in them ‘Go Safe’ vans, I can tell you Duncan Logan is one of those officers who works in the vans, just look at the figure for overtime that they have paid, it is shocking, no wonder they are out in the vans targeting the motorists.

Your comments are appreciated.


Sergeant 1551 Paul Anderson Deceives The Public

Meaning of Deceive: Deliberately cause someone to believe something that is not true, especially for personal gain.

I have made many complaints to North Wales Police and on a number of occasions I have been met by 1551 Paul Anderson who has recorded some of my complaints; one of them is on a previous post where Rob Jones parks on double yellow lines and goes for a kebab, another complaint recorded by 1551 Anderson was on the 9th February 2010.

I’m not going into great detail about this as the complaint summary is below regarding PC 1929 Duncan Logan and the same officer parked on double yellow lines while he went to pick up a kebab PC 2538 Rob Jones.




I have got plenty of complaints recorded but in North Wales there is no point in complaining because it’s the police investigating the police and if you’re not happy with the outcome you have the right to go to the IPCC (I PROTECT CORRUPT COPS).

What would the Prime Minister Theresa May think about this; 1551 Sergeant Paul Anderson when stationed in Conwy & Llandudno used to tell his colleagues, be very careful of Michael Creamer, he’s up to all kinds and he sells drugs.

I have told you before about the police planting the seeds, The Mob then deceive the public by telling them false information about me.

Let me make one thing very clear here, my family and close friends already know that what I am going to say is the truth, I have never smoked in my life, took drugs or sold drugs, I wonder how many police officers and readers of this blog can say the same, but again members of the public, you were fooled by his malicious gossip, whenever you speak to some people and they are always slagging other people off, it’s usually because it’s them that are up to no good themselves.

Now let’s turn to Paul Anderson and let me tell you the real truth of what he’s been up to on a regular basis when stationed at Llandudno; he would come to work from his home behind the rugby club in Llandudno, he would clock on at work so he would be signed in, he would have his children outside in the car and he would then go and take them swimming, he would leave a message at the station for one of his colleagues to phone him & warn him if the Inspector wanted him and on the other occasions he’d also go home for a bit of nookie.

This is the same man who spread rumours that I was a drug dealer and the same man when I made genuine complaints, they went nowhere.

The next time you pay your council tax, think about the money that goes towards the police and this man is supposed to be in work, yet goes off swimming etc.

If you want a part time job Sergeant Anderson, you should go to Tesco or Asda.

Theresa May, what is the point in complaining about this man, once the complaint is recorded it goes to his colleagues at Professional Standards, Superintendent John Hanson, a freemason, Ian Verburg, a freemason and the very man himself Paul Anderson is a freemason, our complaints are just being laughed at by this organisation and this was the same Paul Anderson if you read the last post, he was the Custody Sergeant over the rape allegation.

This man does not deserve to keep his pension.

Superintendent John Chapman, I am not going away I want all my money that went missing from my account please.


Harassment From The Three Musketeers

Following on from my previous post, regarding an alleged assault, when it was finally discontinued, I was allowed back home and my bail conditions of not being allowed within Conwy’s town walls were lifted.

On the 09/01/2010 Anita was driving her jeep through Conwy with my daughter when hawkeyes PC 1627 Chris Jones decides to stop Anita outside the town walls, Anita said ‘what do you want?’ he answered ‘You have got blacked out windows in your jeep & I can’t see who’s in there, I just want to see who’s in the back of the vehicle, as I wouldn’t like Michael to break his bail conditions’ Anita said ‘Well, he’s not in the vehicle and he wouldn’t want to break his bail conditions either’ after taking a look, PC 1627 Chris Jones got in his car and drove off.

Readers of the blog, a few posts back a Superintendent says ‘it is not harassment unless the same officer has stopped you on more than one occasion’, if you read in another post I’ve published PC 1627 Chris Jones gave me a breathaliser test as he said he could smell alcohol on Anita’s breath, so this isn’t harassment?

I have been on police 47/3 bail for various alleged offences and on licence altogether for over 10 years, I have never breached any of the bail conditions imposed upon me, the point I’m trying to make to The Mob and to PC 1627 Jones, is why would I want to break my bail conditions, travelling in the back of a car going through Conwy?

You may also remember part of my bail conditions was to report to Tuebrook Police station in Liverpool and surrender my passport, please take into account I was given exactly 4 hours to go home, get my clothes and passport etc and then get to Liverpool to report to Tuebrook police station. When I surrendered my passport, the officer at Tuebrook noted it was out of date, in my haste to adhere to the time restriction imposed upon me I had inadvertently picked up my old passport, after explaining this to the officer at Tuebrook he told me not to worry, to contact my wife and get her to drop my current passport off into Conwy Police station, which she did, for them to forward it on.

When the bail conditions were lifted I went to Conwy Police station and asked for my passport to be returned, a member of The Mob, said I will go and see if it’s in the tray, where of course it should have been, after some time he came back and told me, that it had been forwarded to Tuebrook police station. So I left Conwy and drove straight to Tuebrook police station to retrieve my passport, after explaining to the officer at Tuebrook why I was there, he went and checked but said there was no passport here.

He then phoned Conwy police station on my behalf and spoke to the officer, who then said they had my passport there, these are the childish little games The Mob play. I returned to Conwy police station and retrieved my passport.

I made a complaint about this incident to Sgt 2665 Paul Bricknell, who in turn forwarded it on to Detective Chief Inspector M Pierce who was head of Professional Standards.


musk2 musk3 musk4

On the 30th January 2010, I was driving from Llandudno Junction in my car, as I was coming over the cob, I noticed there was a police vehicle right behind me, the officers were PC 1929 Logan and PC 2538 Rob Jones, they followed me through Conwy, I pulled up by the Archway chippy, they came over to my vehicle, I asked them ‘What do you want?’ they said ‘we are checking your bail conditions, you shouldn’t be in Conwy’, I replied ‘you have just followed me across the cob, do you think I would drive through Conwy if I wasn’t allowed?’, they went ahead and did their checks and I heard it come over their radio that I had no bail restrictions, you could see the disappointment in their faces.

I walked away to get in my vehicle, they said ‘wait there, we are going to do some checks, to make sure you have valid MOT & insurance for this vehicle’, they did their checks, which all came back valid and up to date, their disappointment stood out a mile again, they even had the cheek to say ‘you’re parked on double yellow lines’ to which I replied, ‘you just stopped me you idiot, where do you want me to stop, in the middle of the road?’ I looked at them and said ‘you need to get a life’, I then got back in my vehicle and drove off.

You will read more about PC 2538 Rob Jones later on this blog, Rob Jones did say prior to my leaving the scene ‘you need to get a letter of confirmation from the courts to say your bail conditions have been discontinued in case you are stopped again’.

On the 1st February 2010, I went to Llandudno Magistrate court to get a slip of paper to say the case had been discontinued, please see below.


I did go on to make a complaint regarding Logan & Jones to Professional Standards, but once again it’s the police investigating the police, they won’t do anything.