The Mob are told by the Big Bosses, you must watch Creamer 24/7.
Meaning of witch-hunt: Where a person decides to target another person for reasons which may, or may not, be obvious. It may be a work colleague who decides to undermine and belittle a co-worker, or it could be a person who makes it their objective to slander the reputation of a ‘friend’ or associate. Essentially, it is a targeted attack against one person, for reasons that are not necessarily tangible. Trying to find someone to hurt or humiliate.
I will show you some documentation which is on The Mob’s intel system, so when their auditors have a look at their expenditure, they have to show where the money has been spent, as long as they have a name on their intel system along with whatever other rubbish has been collected, no questions seem to be asked. The Big Bosses have told the surveillance team, get out there and watch Creamer 24/7, don’t worry about the cost, the tax payer is footing the bill.
I used to drink in the Whitehouse in Morfa, Conwy, where The Mob were spying on me going out for a drink, I went to a builders’ yard in Abergele, to buy some building materials and they were spying on me there and again on 20/07/2009, I was having a drink in the Liverpool Arms, Conwy with a friend of mine, called John. PC1627 Chris Jones walks in, in full uniform, walks straight over to me, where I was standing by the one armed bandit and says “Hello Mr Creamer” and then said “Hello John” to my friend. He then said to me “What are you two up to?”, my reply was “I don’t know what it looks like to you, but this is a pint of bitter in my hand, I’m having a drink and socialising, so can you please leave”.
That’s the same Chris Jones 1627 that stopped Anita in her 4-wheel drive for no apparent reason and said he wanted to take a look in the back of the vehicle, saying “as I wouldn’t want Michael to break his bail conditions” that’s the same Chris Jones 1627 who stopped me in the early hours of the morning in my red van and asked for a breath specimen, I refused to open the window, he said he was going to smash it with his truncheon, I gave a breath specimen, and it was negative, I said I thought you said you can smell alcohol, he said it must have been Anita who had been drinking. You would have seen these statements on a previous post, the point I’m making is when I went to see the Big Bosses, they said it’s not harassment unless the same officer has stopped you on more than a couple of occasions.
This is the same 1627 Chris Jones that stopped me outside Conwy United Football Ground, he came over to me and Anita and says “I know you don’t want to talk to me Michael, but we have received information that threats have been made against your life”, I told him, “No threats have been made against me or my family, go and moider someone else”. Is this The Mob covering their tracks, blaming the public when really the threat could be coming from them? but they are covered by saying it’s on their intel system.
Below are some exhibits which are off the police national computer, where you can see they are obviously following me and spending an awfully large amount of tax-payers money.
Wouldn’t this money be better spent trying to protect our country against terrorists, obviously North Wales Police are not questioned on the way they waste money.
Please note on their exhibits, why are they putting my date of birth on? David Cameron, Prime Minister, my human rights have been violated, terrorists are not having this amount of surveillance by the police.
Coming soon, you will read about Creamer Vs Chief Constable, at Llangefni County Court, where you will read what officers said in court “This was a big operation, where Creamer was seen allegedly passing £100,000.
The witch-hunt continues….