Witch-hunt Part 20

The Mob are told by the Big Bosses, you must watch Creamer 24/7.

Meaning of witch-hunt: Where a person decides to target another person for reasons which may, or may not, be obvious. It may be a work colleague who decides to undermine and belittle a co-worker, or it could be a person who makes it their objective to slander the reputation of a ‘friend’ or associate. Essentially, it is a targeted attack against one person, for reasons that are not necessarily tangible. Trying to find someone to hurt or humiliate.

I will show you some documentation which is on The Mob’s intel system, so when their auditors have a look at their expenditure, they have to show where the money has been spent, as long as they have a name on their intel system along with whatever other rubbish has been collected, no questions seem to be asked. The Big Bosses have told the surveillance team, get out there and watch Creamer 24/7, don’t worry about the cost, the tax payer is footing the bill.

I used to drink in the Whitehouse in Morfa, Conwy, where The Mob were spying on me going out for a drink, I went to a builders’ yard in Abergele, to buy some building materials and they were spying on me there and again on 20/07/2009, I was having a drink in the Liverpool Arms, Conwy with a friend of mine, called John. PC1627 Chris Jones walks in, in full uniform, walks straight over to me, where I was standing by the one armed bandit and says “Hello Mr Creamer” and then said “Hello John” to my friend. He then said to me “What are you two up to?”, my reply was “I don’t know what it looks like to you, but this is a pint of bitter in my hand, I’m having a drink and socialising, so can you please leave”.

That’s the same Chris Jones 1627 that stopped Anita in her 4-wheel drive for no apparent reason and said he wanted to take a look in the back of the vehicle, saying “as I wouldn’t want Michael to break his bail conditions” that’s the same Chris Jones 1627 who stopped me in the early hours of the morning in my red van and asked for a breath specimen, I refused to open the window, he said he was going to smash it with his truncheon, I gave a breath specimen, and it was negative, I said I thought you said you can smell alcohol, he said it must have been Anita who had been drinking. You would have seen these statements on a previous post, the point I’m making is when I went to see the Big Bosses, they said it’s not harassment unless the same officer has stopped you on more than a couple of occasions.

This is the same 1627 Chris Jones that stopped me outside Conwy United Football Ground, he came over to me and Anita and says “I know you don’t want to talk to me Michael, but we have received information that threats have been made against your life”, I told him, “No threats have been made against me or my family, go and moider someone else”. Is this The Mob covering their tracks, blaming the public when really the threat could be coming from them? but they are covered by saying it’s on their intel system.

Below are some exhibits which are off the police national computer, where you can see they are obviously following me and spending an awfully large amount of tax-payers money.




Wouldn’t this money be better spent trying to protect our country against terrorists, obviously North Wales Police are not questioned on the way they waste money.

Please note on their exhibits, why are they putting my date of birth on? David Cameron, Prime Minister, my human rights have been violated, terrorists are not having this amount of surveillance by the police.

Coming soon, you will read about Creamer Vs Chief Constable, at Llangefni County Court, where you will read what officers said in court “This was a big operation, where Creamer was seen allegedly passing £100,000.

The witch-hunt continues….


Harassment From The Three Musketeers

Following on from my previous post, regarding an alleged assault, when it was finally discontinued, I was allowed back home and my bail conditions of not being allowed within Conwy’s town walls were lifted.

On the 09/01/2010 Anita was driving her jeep through Conwy with my daughter when hawkeyes PC 1627 Chris Jones decides to stop Anita outside the town walls, Anita said ‘what do you want?’ he answered ‘You have got blacked out windows in your jeep & I can’t see who’s in there, I just want to see who’s in the back of the vehicle, as I wouldn’t like Michael to break his bail conditions’ Anita said ‘Well, he’s not in the vehicle and he wouldn’t want to break his bail conditions either’ after taking a look, PC 1627 Chris Jones got in his car and drove off.

Readers of the blog, a few posts back a Superintendent says ‘it is not harassment unless the same officer has stopped you on more than one occasion’, if you read in another post I’ve published PC 1627 Chris Jones gave me a breathaliser test as he said he could smell alcohol on Anita’s breath, so this isn’t harassment?

I have been on police 47/3 bail for various alleged offences and on licence altogether for over 10 years, I have never breached any of the bail conditions imposed upon me, the point I’m trying to make to The Mob and to PC 1627 Jones, is why would I want to break my bail conditions, travelling in the back of a car going through Conwy?

You may also remember part of my bail conditions was to report to Tuebrook Police station in Liverpool and surrender my passport, please take into account I was given exactly 4 hours to go home, get my clothes and passport etc and then get to Liverpool to report to Tuebrook police station. When I surrendered my passport, the officer at Tuebrook noted it was out of date, in my haste to adhere to the time restriction imposed upon me I had inadvertently picked up my old passport, after explaining this to the officer at Tuebrook he told me not to worry, to contact my wife and get her to drop my current passport off into Conwy Police station, which she did, for them to forward it on.

When the bail conditions were lifted I went to Conwy Police station and asked for my passport to be returned, a member of The Mob, said I will go and see if it’s in the tray, where of course it should have been, after some time he came back and told me, that it had been forwarded to Tuebrook police station. So I left Conwy and drove straight to Tuebrook police station to retrieve my passport, after explaining to the officer at Tuebrook why I was there, he went and checked but said there was no passport here.

He then phoned Conwy police station on my behalf and spoke to the officer, who then said they had my passport there, these are the childish little games The Mob play. I returned to Conwy police station and retrieved my passport.

I made a complaint about this incident to Sgt 2665 Paul Bricknell, who in turn forwarded it on to Detective Chief Inspector M Pierce who was head of Professional Standards.


musk2 musk3 musk4

On the 30th January 2010, I was driving from Llandudno Junction in my car, as I was coming over the cob, I noticed there was a police vehicle right behind me, the officers were PC 1929 Logan and PC 2538 Rob Jones, they followed me through Conwy, I pulled up by the Archway chippy, they came over to my vehicle, I asked them ‘What do you want?’ they said ‘we are checking your bail conditions, you shouldn’t be in Conwy’, I replied ‘you have just followed me across the cob, do you think I would drive through Conwy if I wasn’t allowed?’, they went ahead and did their checks and I heard it come over their radio that I had no bail restrictions, you could see the disappointment in their faces.

I walked away to get in my vehicle, they said ‘wait there, we are going to do some checks, to make sure you have valid MOT & insurance for this vehicle’, they did their checks, which all came back valid and up to date, their disappointment stood out a mile again, they even had the cheek to say ‘you’re parked on double yellow lines’ to which I replied, ‘you just stopped me you idiot, where do you want me to stop, in the middle of the road?’ I looked at them and said ‘you need to get a life’, I then got back in my vehicle and drove off.

You will read more about PC 2538 Rob Jones later on this blog, Rob Jones did say prior to my leaving the scene ‘you need to get a letter of confirmation from the courts to say your bail conditions have been discontinued in case you are stopped again’.

On the 1st February 2010, I went to Llandudno Magistrate court to get a slip of paper to say the case had been discontinued, please see below.


I did go on to make a complaint regarding Logan & Jones to Professional Standards, but once again it’s the police investigating the police, they won’t do anything.


Michael, we desperately need your driving licence

To the people viewing this site I am not going to tell you of every time I have been stopped over the years, there are too many to list, I have all records, date & times for the chief constable if he wishes to view them.

So here are a few spread over 20 years.

1994, Inspector Rolly Schwartz and another member of The Mob followed me from Conwy to my home in Mona Rd, I was driving a blue Mazda pick-up, as I pulled up outside the house, they were behind me.

“Can I have a word Michael?” asked Rolly Schwartz, shining his torch in my face. “Have you been drinking?”

I said “I had a coffee about an hour ago”

“Alcohol I meant” He said.

I said “No”.

He then said “Michael would you provide a breath specimen”? I refused.

He said “you’ll be arrested for failing to provide a specimen”, so I agreed to give a sample, as usual a negative result.

Rolly, with his torch then went around the vehicle, checking the tyres and lights.

I asked him, “Why have you stopped me?”

He said “Intelligence received”.

Taco-graphs Are Fail Proof

Once again in 1994, I was driving my tipper wagon, where I had been up to Dolgarrog tip, on my way home, just before I got into Dolgarrog at 7:40 in the morning, a traffic vehicle was coming towards me, I had this feeling it was going to turn around and come after me.

My instincts were right, The Mob were behind me and they followed me until I got to the Bedol pub.

Two officers got out and came towards me, they asked me to get out of the wagon, which I did and asked “Do you know why we stopped you?”

I said “No”

They said “You were speeding!”

I said that “I wasn’t, I kept to the speed limit, I could see you in my mirror”, they said they had done a calibrated speed over a certain distance.

I said “I was not speeding”, they then went on to ask me to provide a breath specimen, which I gave and once again that result was negative.

They then went around the wagon with a fine tooth comb, looking at the tyres, testing the air brakes etc, they also asked did I have an operator’s licence, before I left they said I would be reported for speeding, I went on my way, as they did.

The Mob made one mistake…they never checked my taco-graph!!!

I received a summons to appear at Llandudno Magistrates court, my solicitor Don Roberts and I attended the court.

Something to think about readers who follow this site, you’re going to court to defend a case against 2 police officers, I’m sure you can imagine how difficult it would be in the court against The Mob, who would the magistrates believe, Michael the builder or the 2 police officers?

I think we all know who they would believe, The Mob.

Anyway, much to the prosecutions surprise, my solicitor produced the taco-graph in court.

After careful consideration and viewing the taco-graph by the prosecution, the prosecution dismissed the case and I thought that was the end of the matter until The Mob arrested me for perverting the course of justice, they had sent the taco-graph off to Chorley for their forensics to check it out.

I was interviewed in Conwy police station and bailed to appear back at Llandudno Magistrates, the case eventually referred to Caernarfon Crown Court.

In a nutshell what the police and the prosecution were saying, was that the taco-graph showed that I was not speeding when stopped by the police. I was not speeding on that day, they said I must have done the same run from Dolgarrog tip at the same time that I was stopped but on a different day because you fill the dates in yourself on a taco-graph, which was a ridiculous scenario to come up with by the prosecution.

We were ready to go to trial for the alleged offence of perverting the course of justice and on deaths door the prosecution threw this one out as-well.

My solicitor put a claim in for all the court appearances that I attended as I had to take time off work plus solicitors costs, I eventually received over £1100.

Invoices can be shown.

If any of the readers of the blog or anybody else would like any confirmation about this case I’m sure Karen Dixon, senior lawyer from the CPS in Colwyn Bay would confirm.

Again a waste of the public’s money and also the amount of time I spent on bail.

Strange Happenings

In the summer of 2010, I was having a drink at the Liverpool Arms, it was a nice evening and I was standing outside, when out of nowhere one officer of The Mob came over to me and said “Can you provide me with a breath specimen?”

I said “You what? All the people down here and you want a breath specimen off me”

He said “You’re in charge of that vehicle over there” and pointed to my van, I replied “That’s my van but I’m not in charge of it” he said again “Are you going to give me a breath specimen?” I said “No I’m not”.

He then went on to say “Have you got the keys with you?” I replied “No I haven’t but, see that woman over there (pointing to my wife) she’s got them, she’s in charge of the vehicle”

So he went and asked Anita, did she have the keys? she said yes, Anita doesn’t drink at all, then the officer just walked away and left.

How strange was that?!

After making my own enquiries, we found out that Peter Nolan from the chippy in Conwy, reported me for drink driving, Peter didn’t think I’d find that out!! Well I wasn’t drink driving.

I Can Smell Alcohol

In 2013, Anita and I were travelling through Mochdre around about midnight, when an unmarked Police vehicle came up behind me, followed me for a distance and then put his blue lights on, indicating for me to pull over, which I did.

1627 Chris Jones came over to the vehicle and asked me to wind the window down. I shouted through the window “I am not winding it down, what do you want?” he then asked me “Where have you been?”

I replied back “It’s none of your business where I have been” then he said again “Open the window Michael”, I replied “No!”

My wife was in the passenger seat and there was a female officer standing over the passenger door, because I wouldn’t open the window, 1627 Chris Jones then decided to use his bully-boy tactics, drawing his baton, saying if I didn’t open the window he was going to smash it and that he could smell alcohol. How he could smell alcohol through a window is beyond me.

I agreed to open the window halfway down so he could put his hand in with the machine to breathalise me, I again told him, it’s an offence to drink drive so why would I do it.

We waited for the reading. It was Zero, negative again.

I said to Chris, “I thought you could smell alcohol?” His pathetic answer was “Anita must have been drinking”, people who know Anita, know that she doesn’t drink at all.

On September 24th 2014, I contacted the Chief Constable’s office and asked to speak to him, his secretary asked why and I explained it’s personal and I need to see him urgently. After the secretary made some enquiries, she got back to me asked what’s it regarding, I again explained that it’s personal.

He refused to see me.

We need answers now and we need the government to help us get them, because this level of harassment needs investigating.