Complaint To Professional Standards

This is the complaint from the last post, where Michael Creamer (Jnr) was wrongfully arrested.

If a public order offence has taken place, the police would have taken statements from the people who were there and the person who was allegedly assaulted, which is common sense and yet The Mob came to our house like a bull in china shop with PC 2744 Ellis and PC 1003 Halliday arresting anybody, they obviously had no evidence and was anybody actually assaulted??

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Michael’s complaint to PSD is very vague and they won’t answer questions. Again I’ve always said this, how can the police investigate the police, they will never book their own colleagues.

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Their findings are pathetic, they still won’t admit that they arrested somebody that wasn’t in the area and had nothing to do with the case, but yet they pay compensation for false imprisonment.


The Mob Have To Pay Compensation

In October 2009, The Mob came to my house where I was living in Conwy, it was a Sunday morning and as usual they arrived mob handed. Anita answered the door, they said they were looking for me for a violent disorder and assault on somebody.

She told them I wasn’t in. As The Mob were hovering around the house and garden, my eldest son Michael had just returned home from a night out in Liverpool, the officer then said ‘right we are going to arrest him’, Michael was amazed and asked ‘Why are you arresting me, I’ve just come back from Liverpool’, they obviously didn’t listen as they then handcuffed him and took him away in a van.

I was eventually contacted by members of my family, saying The Mob were looking for me, I was busy working away in England, at the same time I was already on bail for alleged mortgage fraud and due to return back to answer bail on December 1st, I told my wife I was very busy with work and I will speak to them on the 1st December when I am due to answer my bail.

The Mob were calling to the house on a regular basis, asking members of my family ‘where I was??’ they were told ‘we don’t know where he is’ The Mob were saying ‘we know he’s in the area and he’s very close’, they honestly must think we are stupid, I had left my mobile phone (tel 07977928434) in the house, I’ve had this number for over 15 years told my wife and kids to keep using my phone.

Warrant issued by Prestatyn Magistrates Court

Warrant issued by Prestatyn Magistrates Court

This is why The Mob were saying they knew I was in the area as they were listening to my calls and would have been getting the signal back to my house, little did they know I was in England somewhere.

I contacted John Brown, my solicitor and explained the situation, he phoned Jason Davenport up and told him I would be answering to my bail on December 1st and I sent The Mob a fax explaining the same.

Eventually some 5 weeks had passed by and I attended St Asaph police station on the 1st December 2009 to surrender to my bail, The Mob did not think I was going to attend, soon as I got to the custody, Don Kenyon and Jason Davenport where there to arrest me for the offence of Violent Disorder and Common Assault, I was interviewed and I denied all knowledge of the alleged assault.

They had a statement from a male alleging that I assaulted him, during those 5 weeks I was away working this male was pressured by The Mob into making 3 different statements, one of them being 9 pages long, it was the biggest load of rubbish I had ever read in my life, I did not know this male, I had never seen him ever, and I know everybody from Conwy!

I immediately asked for an ID parade, now known as VIPER, for people who don’t know what a Viper parade is, it’s a photograph of your own face along with photographs of other people’s faces, that you pick, a total of 9 pictures in all.

The victim attends the police station at a later date with his solicitor and an Inspector and picks the person he alleges assaulted him from the line-up. The victim could not do the ID parade as he was on Police Protection somewhere, this caused some delay in him attending the police station, so I was charged with the alleged offence of assault etc and I was also charged with Conspiracy to defraud Mortgages.

In the Mortgage Conspiracy, the other co-defendants of mine had all come in that day and were charged & bailed, my bail was refused and I went before a special court at Llandudno Magistrates the following day.

What amazes me, I’m only going to court for bail yet DC 2247 Lee Jones and another officer have to sit in the back of the court, to show their presence, hoping the magistrate would remand me. The prosecution were refusing me bail and asking the court to remand me as they said I would interfere with witnesses, their witness who was an informant was in a secret location, so how could I intimidate a witness?

Well, I was remanded and taken to Altcourse Prison and eventually brought back to the magistrates on the 12th December to apply for bail, I had met with my solicitor John Brown who informed me whilst I was in the cells, that the ID parade had been done without his knowledge and he’d only just been told by the prosecution, he should have been told the day it was done.

John informed me that the male I allegedly assaulted, never picked me out on the ID parade, so he said ‘let’s get you upstairs in front of the magistrate to get you bailed and out of here’.

My solicitor informed the magistrate of this case and said I can’t see the prosecution going any further. The Mob and the prosecution came up with ‘we’re still making further enquiries and we will give Mr Creamer bail, providing he resides at an address in Liverpool, surrender his passport and be on a curfew with a tag from 8pm til 8am’ and also to report to Tuebrook police station 3 times a week to sign his name’.

This is absolutely ridiculous, that I’m up for an alleged assault, the witness hasn’t picked me out, there’s no charge to answer and I have now got these restrictions, just a bit of disruption from The Mob to try and spoil Christmas and keep me away from my family.

I went back to court on the 7th January 2010, the Crown Prosecution Service indicated that they were going to drop the prosecution against me, however The Mob refused to allow the CPS to do this. Again I’m amazed, this is why we have a CPS, the police go to them to see if there’s a charge to be answered or not and take advice, all of a sudden in this case NWP don’t want to listen to the CPS.

Anyway my bail conditions were reduced, I was allowed back home to North Wales to my home address but not to enter within the town walls of Conwy, they just won’t give up.

I returned back to Court on the 15th January 2010 and I was told the Prosecution was being discontinued and the case was dropped.


Isn’t it amazing that when The Mob know it’s getting thrown out, there was no police presence at court!

I immediately put a claim in for false imprisonment, my solicitor Chris Topping, who deals with suing the police, said ‘the long and short of it Michael is the police had a statement from a male, saying he’d been assaulted by you so you wouldn’t be entitled to any compensation’.


Personal details have been removed


Personal details have been removed

This males name will be produced later on this blog, he’s a police informant.

Chris Topping went on to say ‘But Michael Creamer (Jnr) has a claim for false imprisonment and we will issue court proceedings unless they pay up’. You can see from Chris Topping’s letter yourselves, where The Mob paid Michael (Jnr) £1750 for false imprisonment.

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You really would think that an inspector would read statements more carefully, Michael (Jnr) gave a full account of where he was that night and they wouldn’t listen.

Once again more of the public’s money being wasted!


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