On April 16th, 2012, Mrs Celia Service was unlawfully killed whilst out shopping with her daughter, who coincidently was a serving police officer.
Mr David Service, husband of Celia has campaigned for over 7 years to get justice for his wife and seriously injured daughter; North Wales Police have conspired to protect the guilty party Mr Geoffrey Fitzwalter Read. They failed to bring any charges against him, Mr Read only had one interview with North Wales Police, they failed Mr Service and let him down badly.
This story is really compelling, heart rendering and will bring a tear to your eye, it may take over an hour to read but please do read it to the end. This story is written by Mr Service himself and is supported by the findings of a renowned private investigator Mr Michael Naughton.
Please click on the link below to read the full story:
Super intendant Simon hymphreys you bad man you seem to be involved in every case no wonder you resigned you fat little piglet , corruption is rife within north wales police.
I feel so very sad for you mr service and your family what a vile police force we have 😢😢😢
Horrified and disgusted ur police force!!!!!!!
Outraged!!!! This ladies life meant nothing to North Wales Police Mr Read should have faced charges!!!!!!!!!!!!