Witch-hunt Part 3

As I told you in the last post, after my 2 appeals for conviction and proceeds of crime, we were refused leave, the new evidence has now been submitted to the CCRC.

As stated I cannot reveal details until their investigation is finalised.

ccrc letter to Michael Creamer

I have contacted the Crown Prosecution Service, asked if I could speak to Mr Beltrami, Chief Crown Prosecutor, I left a number of messages for him to contact me, I spoke to receptionist, told her the full facts of my case and I asked “Why aren’t the CPS charging these other 1,500 people who have committed mortgage fraud?”, she couldn’t answer the question.

Mr Beltrami to this day has not contacted me.

Karen Dixon from the CPS in Colwyn Bay does not want anything to do with it, a letter was sent to her by a member of my family, she replied back that Cardiff dealt with it, not us.

Simon Curzon the CPS lawyer from Cardiff when investigating this case, he had North Wales Police running around the country, gathering information, to bring a charge against Anita & myself.

Now I’m appealing and have made certain complaints, they won’t answer telephone calls and don’t want to get involved and have passed it to the CPS in London.

Please read this letter from my MP Guto Bebb to Mr Beltrami.


Any loans/mortgages Anita & myself ever had have all been paid back in full, with interest, we owe no banks any money and have never been bankrupt, so to you people out there who deliberately get loans and have no intention of paying them back, set businesses up & deliberately go bankrupt and have given false details, you carry on, because you won’t get prosecuted.

I’m not saying I’m better than any of you people, because I’ve got no loans and I owe nobody any money, but North Wales Police are obsessed with me, will only prosecute Michael Creamer and can make up charges that don’t exist.

Don Kenyon when under oath, was asked by my Barrister Peter Davies QC, ‘Stephen Jones falsified 1,500 mortgage applications, as he did with Michael Creamers, tell the jury how many of them 1,500 people did North Wales Police prosecute?’

Don Kenyon went red in the face and said none.

Peter Davies said ‘NONE! So why did you prosecute Michael Creamer?’

Don Kenyon replied ‘We reported them to the FSA’.

Peter Davies asked ‘Why didn’t you report Michael Creamer to the FSA?’

Don Kenyon then tried to skirt around the answer and started to talk about something else.

Read the story of Stephen Jones here.

The With-hunt continues…



6 thoughts on “Witch-hunt Part 3

  1. Don Kenyon rat boy how do you sleep at night. Out of all the bent n.w.p. force. judge john rogers, David jones disgraced m.p. seven bellies nigelrRoberts and the rest of the high profile crooks. D.c don Kenyon is the biggest rat out of the lot of them. I hope and pray the vermin slime ball gets sacked, loses his pension and ends up in jail.. David Cameron get someone to investigate the baldy rat and send Kenyon to jail for ever. I hope you are reading this kenyon and are red in the face with anger. Peter Davis asked you how many of the 1.500 did you prosecute none you replied. You lying dirty rat kenyon.

  2. Don Kenyon tried to skirt around the answer, that’s what all liars do. Was the rat actually wearing a skirt. Lying on oath rat boy you crook. It amazes me how you were still found guilty mr creamer, then again the bent judge hand picked his friends for the jury. Michael you need to write a book about all the crooks, you really do unbelievable story.

  3. Having finally got round to reading most of your blog tonight, whats clear to me, is, there are people hiding behind the scenes pulling the strings watching us chase around in circles meant to tire us out I suspect. Its almost like a stage for the amateur dramatics society and we are the unknowing star guests. I would be inclined to believe this if it wasn’t so serious…..it makes more sense than what’s going on in reality…………..BUT “were are the local authority” in all this. More to the point, WHO are LOCAL AUTHORITY. Because as “Graham Parry told me in Llandudno Magistrates when they sent me to jail, he said “Nicola, they are local authority and they can do what they like” I took this to mean that “Local authority run the show”. Does anyone actually know WHO make up “local authority” iv done research on them and I cant come up with anything which is really odd. Everyone leaves a footprint somewere….. ?????? This is what I call the definition of MADNESS.

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