Please read my complaint about The Mob to PSD (Professional Standards Department) it is self-explanatory; I’m sorry it’s quite lengthy but this was their reports back, firstly by Superintendent Sian Beck from the local Policing Services at St Asaph and also a pathetic reply back by good old Detective Superintendent John Hanson, who’s now head of Professional Standards, as I’ve said before when you make a complaint to PSD (stop laughing!!) it’s the police investigating the police and if you’re not happy with the decision you then go to the IPCC (I Protect Corrupt Cops) over 70% of the staff from IPCC are ex police officers, this is throughout the country; what a great complaints procedure talk about banging your head against a brick wall.
If you are ever going to bring a claim against any officer this is the protocol you have to follow and they do their best to tire you out, but please don’t give up. It starts out like this, a local Sergeant in your area will record the complaints which will then be passed to PSD, they will gather all the information and take as long as possible and always try to resolve a complaint with a local resolution, then if you’re not happy it then goes to the IPCC, they can then take up to a year before they investigate and 9 times out of 10 they follow PSD’s decision. When all that has finished you then bring a claim against the Chief Constable in your area and take it to the County Court, I will show you in due course when I had to do this and how much money was awarded to us.
John Hanson as I’ve stated on this blog before had a meeting with Chris Walsh and head crown prosecutor Karen Dixon, it is my belief Karen Dixon was not made aware of all the facts by John and Chris. If the police want somebody charged a thorough investigation is carried out providing as much evidence as possible if they do not wish somebody to be charged should a complaint be made information is held back from the CPS. Somebody’s name was released on the Thoughts of Oscar website, this person was threatened to be killed and violence to be used, John and Chris’s advice to the complainant was that if someone makes a threat they don’t always carry it out, could you imagine readers of the blog if the threats were made regarding a police officer, they would babysit outside his property.
I can confirm that what I have mentioned above was true & factual and mentioned in headquarters but what I can’t confirm is did John Hanson pass this information on to Karen Dixon in their meeting? I’m sure if Karen would have been made aware of this somebody would have been prosecuted from that poison pen blog.
As we know Nigel Roberts a.k.a. ‘7 Bellies’ admitted to being the author, ex- Secretary of State for Wales MP David Jones carries on denying having any involvement but you have seen his deleted tweets on the previous post and North Wales Police couldn’t prosecute themselves but as you can see from the reports they do their best to close your complaints down.
How convenient for The Mob, the IPCC says in their findings “we do not consider any one’s recollection of events would be clear after such a significant length of time i.e. five years, Verberg can’t remember, Kenyon’s memory has faded and Simon Humphreys took retirement as soon as my complaint came in to save his pension but when The Mob investigated myself and Anita for mortgage fraud they went back over 20 years and cross-examined me in the witness box for over 5 days and expected me to remember every detail, every mortgage application I made, where deposits came from etc, tax I had paid stamp duty, capital gains I had paid and right down to how much money I had spent on my credit cards yet they say it’s hard to remember things 5 years ago.
The truth of the matter is they have now been caught out covering each other’s backs and worrying about their pensions.
Finally, all you people that went to Llandudno police station and reported the Thoughts of Oscar blog to Inspector Verberg, he lied to you when he said he didn’t know who the author was; I’ve been telling you for years that he knew full well who it was, The Mob then moved him over to PSD and that’s where he is today. The reports from PSD, Sian Beck, the report from John Hanson and the report from the IPCC is the biggest load of rubbish I’ve ever read but they have to cover their backs to save their pensions, if The Mob had admitted they knew who the author of the blog was they knew this would have prejudiced my trial and the case would have collapsed.
Those that undertake these proportional investigations at NWP, the PSD and the CPS make it up as they go along to suit the situation. They have every law that they can misconstrue and interpret as they like to cover their own backs and pensions.
Their prosecutions are inequitable so, let’s say for instance, two people may undertake certain behaviour, one will be prosecuted under harassment laws (for vengeance possibly) and the other won’t be prosecuted because NWP cite freedom of speech, because this activity suits them and they are reticent about justice being brought about by certain complainants (ie yourself, Mr Creamer) and so will obstruct such justice, whatever it takes.
There are obviously different rules for different people and exercised on the basis if you may have wronged them (complained) or not, in which case it is freedom of speech.
NWP are nothing short of corrupt and collusion is endemic within.
There needs to be an independent investigation commissioned into the inequities of the law enforcement, corruption and collusion undertaken by someone from industry, not connected to police or government and by a body who is not afraid to uncover the vile truth. However, this proposal will not materialise as then they would have to deal with the findings.
The corrupt north Wales police knew all along who Oscar was very sinister INDEED.
Corrupt from the top to the bottom North Wales police
Verburgh nothing but a f*****g liar you have had two wives that have dumped you probably lied to them too, your own kids don’t want to know you the woman your with now, I know she’s like a little puppy licking her lips she will soon get fed up, thanks John Hanson freedom of speech we can say what we like. I was one of them people that come to the police station you told me not to look at the site, and that you didn’t know who the author was you lying t**t, being all nice to me just because I was a female, now when I look back you was flirting around me abusing your power as an inspector, hope your pension is taken off you , you c**t!!!!!!!
Does mr creamer know you live in Llandudno junction first bungalow off narrow lane the scruffy little dump, two coppers and you can’t afford a decent house no wonder your jealous of Michael creamer with his beautiful wife and lovely house and then we have you with a fat wife and a little bungalow, thanks John Hanson freedom of speech once again John Hanson freedom of speech………………..freedom of speech copperburgh!!
Is fat Nigel Roberts Simon humphreys brother?? They are both fat, grey hair big bellies and have double chins and are both liars ha ha ha never seen this day coming fatties
It is quite a shame NWP can’t find the robbers who raided the jewellers on Mostyn street in Llandudno (Gregory’s) or do they know who it is and it’s an insurance job? And there’s a Mason connection Mmmmmh!!!!
John Hanson says they were only nasty comments Michael, have you seen the state of his wife, the make up is troweled on and Verburgh is knocking her off, don’t worry Mr Hanson they are just hurtful comments but true, Ian Verburgh knocking your Mrs off and your both in professional standards
Another pointless “lip service”‘exercise funded by the tax payer. What a waste of resources. There will be no change in their behaviour. Their empty words don not match their corrupt actions.
When will the corruption and collusion, which is rife and propagating at a fast pace within our Police forces, PSD and IPCC be dealt with and stamped out? That’s the only way the public can even begin to build up any sort of respect for these vile beings.
Inequities with law enforcement is unjust. It’s disgusting how NWP can target individuals with tax payers money to wage personal vengeance and veddettas.
These so called people are disgusting and vile and how they can sleep in their beds at night is beyond me. One can only hope that King karma subjects members of their families to the same disgusting horrific abuse, see if their own medicine is a bitter pill to swollow.
Previous comment wasting tax payers money very good comment and very well put.
Thank you.
A lot of cops wives are over weight and have big thighs it must be the way the pigs like them, I mean look at Martin parmleys Mrs she’s a big bitch
I have been told John Hanson is pulling his hair out at this site, if you know him he hasn’t got much hair anyway, they don’t like the truth Michael especially when everybody can read it on here……….keep up the good work
Hey Creamer when are you gonna put that video on that I sent you, of the inspectors son smoking WEED!!!??? …………………shocking.
I am sick to death with all this corruption sack the force and start again 🐖🐖🐖!!!!!!