North Wales Police Attend 2 County Courts to See if Michael Creamer is Married

I Michael John Creamer was born on the 9th September 1964, I was born in Liverpool and eventually moved to North Wales and on the 12th May 1990, I married my beautiful wife, nearly 29 years ago, albeit we had been together approx. 4 years before we married, so we have been together over 33 years, neither me or my wife had been previously married before we met and since being married have never been divorced.

When I was arrested in 2008 on suspicion of mortgage fraud, I was asked in the interview had I been married before or have I ever been divorced and the answer to that question was NO, but DC Don Kenyon, DS Jason Davenport, Nicholas Hawe and DC 586 Phil Griffiths obviously didn’t believe me, I know this sounds like a joke, they were investigating mortgage fraud with no complainee and a victimless crime, but in some way The Mob have to justify how they spent mugs money.

Please read Carys Hughes’ statement, who is the family court clerk at Caernarfon County Court.

If this statement is true and accurate, why hasn’t Carys Hughes signed this statement? Or has somebody at North Wales Police HQ written this themselves? Now read Susan Miguel’s witness statement, she is the manager at Rhyl County Court; Davenport and the rest of the foot soldiers must not have been happy with their findings at Caernarfon County Court, so they decided to try Rhyl, to see if they knew anything different.

Susan, if you read this blog could you please confirm why you too have not signed your statement to confirm it’s true and factual or is it something North Wales Police have written. Now please read Ruth Ewen’s statement:

Ruth Ewen, you too have not signed your statement, I’m not sure if you or any of your colleagues are aware of the Home Office guidelines, you must sign a statement to confirm that what you’re saying is true and accurate.

Let’s now turn to Janet Ryan’s statement, where The Mob have checked with Janet Ryan to see if Sophia Creamer does exist and to check her date of birth, yes that’s my beautiful daughter, the lengths North Wales Police have gone to for mortgage fraud and they also checked to make sure Mathew Creamer does exist, yes that’s my son North Wales Police, what has this enquiry got to do with mortgage fraud?

Janet Ryan, can you please confirm is this statement true and accurate and if so, why didn’t you sign it?

I’m leaving my number:- 07977928434, could any of you staff from the County Courts please contact me to confirm these are your statements and give me a reason as to why they are not signed?

There are people around the country who are deliberately going bankrupt to avoid paying debts, there are people getting mortgages on houses and getting the property repossessed because they have borrowed against them, there are people getting bank loans in false names and not paying them back and yet North Wales Police are not carrying out checks against these people who are deliberately defrauding the system. Look at the lengths they went to, the checks etc they did against myself who owes nobody any money, never been bankrupt, got no mortgage and owes nothing on credit cards and never had any CCJ’s.

North Wales Police must be really jealous and obsessed with me, terrorists that are a threat to Great Britain are not being checked this thoroughly, please see the picture below of Shamima Begum, the school girl who fled London to join the Islamic State group in Syria.

Ms Begum who has just given birth said she now wants the U.K.’s forgiveness and supports some British values. DC Don Kenyon and DS Jason Davenport, would you be interested in checking with the County Courts in Great Britain to see does this child exist, just in case she wins her appeal and is allowed back in Britain, she gave birth over two weeks ago to a baby boy, having previously lost two children and named her baby after her first son.

The home secretary Sajid Javid told MPs on Monday that he would not hesitate to prevent the return of Britons who travel to Syria to join ISIS while the UK cannot leave people stateless under international law, he said any such Britons would be questioned, investigated and potentially prosecuted.

Kenyon and Davenport, I was wondering if you would like me as your PA (personal assistant), I have 29 years of marriage under my belt, you lot haven’t served that long in the police force and nearly all of you involved in Operation Pylon have had affairs, failed marriages, being convicted of rape (Ian James Clarke) some have been sacked from the force (Shaun Parry, Martyn Parmley, Dave Parminter and many more), I will name you all in future posts. You will not bully me and think by sending me to prison for 7 years and stealing £350,000 from me, will keep my mouth shut, well I can tell you it won’t, I want justice and will not give up until I get it. You lot don’t like the truth!!


10 thoughts on “North Wales Police Attend 2 County Courts to See if Michael Creamer is Married

    1. hi colin sorry not got back sooner been very busy today, if you would like to give me a call any time day or night my mobile is 07977928434 thank you michael.

  1. You keep going nothing but corruption what actually is there problem they took your money and your freedom jesus what the hell more do they want

  2. Absolutely disgusting invading children’s privacy, that have nothing to do with your case NWP your vile and make me sick and county court staff can’t sign statements , I know it’s sad Michael what they have done to you but your doing the right thing exposing them 👌🏻

  3. Ross Kemp channel 5 Tuesday night did you watch the programme Mr Creamer. Ross believes all police should carry guns. Has the dumb man,never heard of north Wales police brutal reputation. Frightening thought nwp with guns. Kenyon Davenport RATS !!!!!!

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