Employee Brags That She Gets More Money Working Two Days For Conwy Council Than Them Lot At Tesco’s Get For A Week

I am now going to start to tell you the story of Michael Gary Plumb a.k.a. Sky who is the head of pub safe; a friend of mine Will Carlisle, asked me who could we go and see regarding the PubSafe committee when you are banned? Will got put on PubSafe when he was 16, I had a long chat with him about this; he received a life ban, this decision is absolutely ridiculous, the young lad who’s had a fight in the pub like so many others and they didn’t receive life bans.

A lot of young lads are foolish, but they do grow up, get married and have children themselves, anybody who commits a crime and does wrong I agree should be punished, maybe a year or two-year ban with restrictions is adequate but Gary Sky and his committee are pathetic to put somebody on a life ban, this must be against his human rights, who are these nobodies to make these decisions?

So, on the 16th September 2016, we decided to go and put these questions to the council, I was accompanied by Will Carlisle; the two of us went to the town hall in Llandudno to speak to Peter Brown, I asked the lady at the town hall reception could I speak to Peter Brown, she asked what was it about, so I told her she said Peter was not in and that the man I needed to speak to was John Donnelly, Principle Trading Standards and licensing officer. The lady was very helpful and said John’s office was in Colwyn Bay by police HQ, she said I will ring him and tell him you’re going over she tried his office 3 to 4 times while Will and I were there, she said he’s not picking his phone up, she then tried his mobile a few times as well, he didn’t answer that either. By this time 20 minutes had passed, she said there’s nothing more I can do, so she gave me John’s mobile and she said if you get through, let him know you’re on your way over. I would just like to point out that neither me or Will have ever spoken to John Donnelly and I had never heard of him.

While Will and myself were sat in the car in the town hall car park I phoned John Donnelly’s mobile at least half a dozen times and what John was doing every time I rang, he would press the red button and cut me off, again nothing against John he doesn’t know me or my number but what John eventually did after about the 7th time of calling, he made the mistake of pressing the green button and not the red one, he thought he had cut me off, but he hadn’t and I could hear him talking, so I put my phone on loudspeaker and me & Will listened to his conversation for just short of an hour I got Will’s phone and I recorded the conversation.

I must admit while we were sat recording what we were listening to, we were finding it hard not to laugh as well as being amazed as to what John Donnelly was saying to his female colleagues, no wonder they wouldn’t answer the telephone from the receptionist at the town hall.

It’s a Friday afternoon, John Donnelly is the principal trading standards & licensing officer at Conwy County Borough Council who earns a very good salary but doesn’t want to pick the phone up on a Friday afternoon as he doesn’t want to be bothered by any members of the public. During the two-way conversation, you could hear the lady saying she has ‘cut her hours down to working 2 days a week now and that she gets more money at the council working 2 days than them lot get a week for working in Tesco’s’. My apologies to any Tesco workers who are offended by her statement.

You could also hear John saying that it was his anniversary and he was taking his wife away for the weekend and that he was going for a Thai massage, he also said when he goes up to this mum’s house who lives on the Orme, he said when the sheep come into the garden, he gets his gun which is a water pistol and chases the sheep out of the garden; I’m not going to say much more of that what was recorded as it’s just under an hour-long.

I am not going to release the recordings yet as my complaint is still ongoing and I may have to go to the legal ombudsman. What I did do on Friday 16th September at 15;42 was, I sent a text from my phone wishing him a happy anniversary he may well thought I was a council worker, he text me back at 17:23 the same day saying thank you, I called myself ‘Paul’, please see the text I sent him below.

I only went with Will Carlisle to ask the council why is he on a life ban and could this be lifted? I now find myself in a situation where I now need to make a complaint to Peter Brown regarding the conduct of John Donnelly, who is being paid to be in work yet won’t answer the telephone and his female colleague bragging and laughing at those people that work in Tesco’s, who have to work for a week to get what she gets paid in two days and John’s chasing sheep around the Orme with a water pistol. I just want to remind you readers of the blog, that this man is the brother of Gary Donnelly, the police officer that was jailed for 18 months for sexual assault on a 14–year-old girl.

I know I haven’t written much about Gary Sky in this post but you will read his story over the next few weeks and my letters of complaints to the council regarding Gary Sky and the council’s findings bearing in mind some of these council employees are very highly paid and seem to be on the council’s gravy train being paid for doing bugger all & covering up for each other, which you’ll see from the letters and emails I have received from the council.

As there are so many letters and documents, I’m going to split the story up in to sections, this is part 1; part 2 will be shown on Thursday the 11th of January.


7 thoughts on “Employee Brags That She Gets More Money Working Two Days For Conwy Council Than Them Lot At Tesco’s Get For A Week

  1. Creamer if you and will were laughing in the car, come on what were them 2 up to in the council offices? When they were not answering the phones? Play the tape please mick 😀😀😀🙈🙈🙈

  2. All the staff do a great job at tescos I work there, my blood is boiling to think what them waste of space council workers get for doing not much, ripping off the tax payer just like the police………………!!!

  3. I can tell you from first hand experience Peter Brown will do absolutely nothing. He is renowned for doing nothing and when he’s not in work it is because he is off sick. Again doing nothing. What a waste of space and tax payers money!!!

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