The Mob Say “Michael Take Your Clothes Off In The Back Of A Police Car”

In the summer of 2014 around June, I had stayed the night in Liverpool, I left the Adelphi Hotel around 11 o’clock to come back home to Wales, once I had drove through the tunnel and got onto the Wirral, I looked in my mirror and noticed a Police Motorbike, with his lights flashing, signalling me to pull over, I pulled into a garage forecourt.


The officer came over to me, telling me to wait in the car as he called for backup and within minutes a 4 wheel drive police vehicle was present. I was driving a white Porsche convertible, the officers then started looking around the vehicle, one of them said to me “Do you know it’s £500 per year to tax this car?” I said “don’t you worry about that you’re not paying for it” He even asked “How much does a tyre cost on one of these?”, I told him about £300.

I asked “what’s this stop for?” again they took my name and details to do some checks, they said for me to go and wait by my vehicle, while they were talking amongst themselves and on their radios, one of them came over and said “sorry for the delay, but the Police National Computer is down”, after about half an hour, they gave me a producer to produce my insurance and my MOT as I had my driving licence which I gave them.  I did hear one of the officers say we are going to have to let him go and another officer replied back, I’d be happier if I was seizing the vehicle.  I replied “you can’t seize it, I have done nothing wrong”.  I eventually left with my producer.


I only got to the top of Rhuallt hill and there was a traffic BMW car behind me, I sensed he was going to stop me again, and I was right.  Blue flashing lights at the bottom of Rhuallt hill, he pulled me into the layby at the bottom of the hill.  The officer was on his own, he came over to the window of the car, asking if I had my driving licence with me, I said I had, he then said “Can you join me in the back of the police car while I do some checks”.  I told him I had just been stopped half an hour ago and I showed him the producer.  I couldn’t believe what the officer said next.  “You might not be Michael Creamer”. I gave him my driving licence with MY photo on, my CSCS card again with MY photo on it and showed him my credit cards.

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He still went on to say you still might not be Michael Creamer.  I said to the officer, “Two things are going to happen here, you’re either going to let me go or you are going to arrest me for stealing Michael Creamer’s Licence and cards etc”.  He then said “Can you take your clothes off”. I said “I’m not doing that”.  He said “Can you just take your jumper off then and roll up your shirt sleeves”.  I said to the officer “What do you think I’ve got down my trousers – a bazooka (gun)?”  I did as he requested and removed my jumper and rolled up my sleeves.  He said “Ok you can put your jumper back on now”.

He still insisted that he didn’t think I was Michael Creamer, so he got on his radio and asked for a sergeant to come from St Asaph police station and identify me.  After a long wait a sergeant came, looked at me and said “That is Michael Creamer” and he left.  The officer then said he wanted to check that I was insured and had a valid MOT.  Everything was fine, he then said you can go so I gave him the producer back that Merseyside Police had given me, no you still have to go to Llandudno Police station and produce these documents.  Well how pathetic is that?!

That was the longest journey to get home from Liverpool, I produced my documents at the police station a few days later.  The lady on the desk at Llandudno, who was called Mandy, when I explained the situation to her, she was amazed.

Prime Minister, David Cameron, enough is enough now, something needs to be done about this, my human rights are being violated.


6 thoughts on “The Mob Say “Michael Take Your Clothes Off In The Back Of A Police Car”

  1. Michael, your Human Rights are not being violated, THEY HAVE BEEN VERY SERIOUSLY VIOLATED, TIME AFTER TIME. It is time someone in authority picked this up and started a process of investigation. Where has Guto Bebb gone since the support he gave against Nigel Roberts and the Thoughts of Oscar Blog. This stuff is a lot more serious than a piddling little Newsagents rantings and ravings. This whole Blog needs to be printed out and sent to David Cameron and every Member of the Cabinet.
    The Police Commissioner for North Wales should already be on the case unless he is being shielded from these revelations by those interested in keeping it all under the carpet. There must be plenty of Whitewash in stock at North Wales Police Headquarters.

  2. I’m not a police lover, I’m not a police hater. after reading this blog how can anyone in wales trust them.

  3. one pig to another pig I would be happier if we seized it the car. there lies the problem with the mob. do your job mr policeman. then go home and put your feet up like the rest of us taxpayers do and be happy with your days work. instead north wales police make it personal and tell big lies. that’s were your going wrong nwp…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………this advice is free north wales police so use it..

  4. pc 49 Dixon of dock green do you honestly believe the police commissioner is honest enough to be on the case. I for one don’t expect or trust the commissioner to sort the mob out. corruption is rife in the police. its a sad fact but true.

  5. Michael I have spoken to many of your friends, long term friends and short term friends. they find this site interesting, truthful and accurate. all of your friends are frightened to leave a comment as they are in fear for their lives as they don’t trust north wales police aka the mob. let me remind people, the most famous comment on freedom of speech was voting. what the translation of what he said was. I am disgusted by what you say, but I will fight to the death, for your right to say it. he said that of course in a context in a ferocious attack on freedom of speech, but the reason he said it was free speech of itself is incredibly important no matter how stupid how distasteful no matter how irritating we are going towards a society where people are afraid to SPEAK.

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