This morning not long after 9am, a police vehicle crashed on the A55 in the Conwy tunnel, isn’t it funny how there’s no mention of the accident in the Paedophile Post or on the police website.
Let’s hope that the driver was breathalysed and he wasn’t speeding or on his phone whilst driving, I’m sure the police will let us know what happened soon enough.
As for me I was taken to the court, and told me that I wasn’t to step foot in my home town for what reason I ask u , I was 23yrs never been to much trouble, I didn’t know what for the police just gave me a train ticket after being shipped out of London on a warrant for probation service that had been revoked the Sunday morning prior to the arrest and I was still driven by police from the met all the way to north Wales and in the court I was told that I was never to enter my own home town north Wales so I lost my life the day this happened but I was a single person who didn’t know what you are up against their a force to them selves