Another Flight For Justice Over Police Headquarters

A statement from David Service


On April 16th 2012 at Rhos on Sea at 3.34 pm my beloved wife of 50 years Celia and our lovely daughter Helen,  standing looking into shops at the bottom of Rhos Road, were smashed into by an XF automatic Jaguar car driven along Rhos Promenade by 9O year old local man GEOFFREY FITZWALTER READ driving at 27 mph. Celia was killed and Helen, then a serving police officer in London of ten years, badly injured.

North Wales Police from their first “investigation”, no matter what evidence, were corruptly determined to exonerate the wealthy driver from all blame and also to exonerate their officers for their corrupt two investigations although the evidence of guilt was clearly there. These were NOT mistakes which we might have understood but DELIBERATE attempts to pervert the course of justice as part of their COVER UP and that is CORRUPTION. They ignored ALL the evidence.

I have stated many times that our family is NOT anti-police and indeed if I saw a police man/woman in trouble I would go to help them because that is a human, moral and civic duty. There are thousands of rank and file police officers who undertake their jobs to the best of their ability in sometimes difficult, emotional and dangerous situations. However that does NOT give any police officer, usually senior officers, the right to LIE, IGNORE and then FALSIFY evidence to pervert the course of justice and the rule of law.

The Inquest  ruled “ accidental death” which was a complete travesty of justice. Even Reads own representative said the NWP Read interview “was a joke”.

(1) The driver Read normally wore horn rimmed glasses and was taking eye drops. When he crashed his car he was NOT wearing his glasses – in hospital he could not properly count number of fingers raised. He also was never given an eye test at Glan Clwyd Hospital or elsewhere. We have a vital witness who got into his car moments after who confirmed that the driver was NOT wearing any glasses. His mode of driving was to drive quick, then slow down, and then go quick again as described by local people who said he was a “terrible driver”. He was taking several medications, had knee replacements for both legs (TKR total knee replacements), cataract operations to both eyes, was taking eye drops for eye problems and had hernia operations to both sides. He never told the DVLA – as he was required to do – that he had any of these ailments which could have affected his driving ability. At the crash scene all he was worried about was the condition of his car – “my pride and joy”. No concern for the victims at all.
In fact Read stated to witness:

  • “ please look after my car – it is my pride and joy”
  • gave his daughters ELEVEN digit mobile phone number without hesitation for witness to phone
  • “I may have blacked out but I don’t think so” 
  • “ I don’t know what all the fuss is about” when he clearly saw medics in front of his car trying to save the life of my wife.  


(2) NWP refused to release name of the driver until demanded by our London based solicitor.
(3) Read was seen by witnesses in their stationary car driving across them only six yards away and only half a second before crashing with his head up looking forward, his body erect, hands on his wheel – a normal driving position. Moments AFTER the crash he was seen by a witness close up in a normal driving position, eyes open, body erect, both hands clasping the wheel – a normal driving position. EVIDENCE IGNORED.
(4) Read stated in his only police interview he felt WELL before crashing –“ Ah yes. No pre symptoms or anything like that”. So he had NO heart or chest pains, NO rapid heart beat, NO nausea, NO giddiness, No light headedness, NO loss of bladder or bowel control, NO stupor, NO feeling feint. After the crash he NEVER told any witnesses that he had felt unwell and the same when he was taken into hospital. On his medical report THE NEXT DAY it was written – “A FIT 9O YEAR OLD”. EVIDENCE IGNORED.
(5) Read stated he became “unconscious” just before the crash but all evidence showed that was a LIE because of many factors including CCTV footage analysis by an expert company – we had given them no restrictions – it showed Read moving his head looking down and then up again – obviously NOT unconscious. There was a bottle of water in his driving well by his feet. At no time before or after was Read seen in any “unconscious” state – i.e. body, head, hands or arms slumped. EVIDENCE IGNORED.
(6) Read told the NWP in his ONLY interview 63 DAYS after the crash in the comfort of his own home at Rhos, 5LIES out of 7 questions. One of the lies was when he “awoke” in his car after the crash “ police and ambulance personnel were all around me and helped me to climb out of my car.” So this was not said in the heat of a confused moment but 63 DAYS LATER. The NWP KNEW that this was a BLATANT LIE because after crashing he sat in his car totally uninjured for 5O MINUTES . (a) he talked to a witness for many minutes who had got into the back seat BEFORE ANY POLICE OR MEDICS HAD ARRIVED (c) a vital witness banged on his car window moments after to see if he was ok BEFORE POLICE AND MEDICS HAD EVEN ARRIVED. NWP knew this because it is in witness statements and we have a CCTV footage timeline. This so called “interview” his ONLY one has to be one of the very WORST in all the history of the British police. No evidence was ever put to him. It was almost as if PC Mark Lightfoot was asking “did you have a good nights sleep?” Read did not seem at all worried about the interview and when the NWP asked if he wanted his solicitor present he declined. That was very suspicious. We strongly believe that he knew the questions beforehand because if arrested and convicted he could have faced prison for causing death and serious injury by dangerous driving as he should have been. EVIDENCE IGNORED.
(7) A key witness who got into the back of Read’s car said the driver stated “I might have blacked out but I DON’T THINK SO”. Why would he say that? This is in a police report. Later he changed this to “I blacked out” when he KNEW he had killed a lady and badly injured another. The police stated he had made “consistent statements as to what had happened”. NO he did not as above. Yet another LIE. In all his 9O years Read had NEVER had a “blackout” confirmed by his own GP and the hospital.  EVIDENCE IGNORED.
(8) Read was NOT breathalysed at the crash scene despite sitting in his car totally uninjured and the car was accessible – for 50 MINUTES.
Then the NWP lied to us and the IPOC by saying that as Read was in the ambulance they did not want to breathalyse him because they would be interfering with the medics. They knew perfectly well they could and should have breathalysed him during the 50 MINUTES which is MANDITORY in the police Code of Practice and in any crash let alone a fatal one. These were NOT “rookie” officers but experienced ones. After the 50 MINUTES the 90 year old Read got out of his car of his own accord, took off his coat/jacket, walked a few steps placed himself on the stretcher before being wheeled to the ambulance!! EVIDENCE IGNORED.
(9) NWP never spoke to Read in his car, went with him or spoke to him in the ambulance going to Glan Clwyd Hospital or at the hospital itself despite him being there 29 days. Next day hospital medical report spoke of a “FIT 9O YEAR OLD MAN”.  EVIDENCE IGNORED.
(10) Read told the NWP in his ONLY interview that he became unconscious when he was following the road at the end of the Cayley Arms which bends around towards Llandudno. That meant he was turning his wheels to the RIGHT away from the shops. The NWP KNEW this was a complete LIE because they had the CCTV evidence which showed Read just driving at 27 mph straight along Rhos Promenade towards the shops and every witness testified that he was doing this – including the lady driver following his car and even the corrupt PC MarkLightfoot said this and he was the one who interviewed him!!
27 mph in any case was a dangerous speed coming up to a junction with shops and pedestrians ahead. Cars do not crash without a reason – usually either mechanical faults or driver error and any mechanical faults had been ruled out. EVIDENCE IGNORED.
(11) Clearly from CCTV footage and photos taken after, the car wheels had been TURNED DIRECTLY LEFT INTO SHOP FRONT thus avoiding the WHITE CONCRETE ARCH looming up. He knew the area well. Had he not turned his wheels left he would have smashed into the arch but missed the two ladies – my beautiful wife and our lovely daughter – a DELIBERATE ACT of turning his car sharp left. EVIDENCE IGNORED.
(12) An NWP officer PC Victoria Anderton-Jones stated that she was an experienced officer who had investigated numerous crashes, also was an experienced police driver and photographer, and she wrote the first full crash investigation report on l9th July 2O12 when the police had all the evidence including witness statements and CCTV evidence. In the report she ADMITTED she had NOT SEEN THE DRIVER INTERVIEW. How on earth an experienced police officer could ever write a crash report without seeing the driver interview is just beyond belief. Either she deliberately did not see the interview or the NWP refused to show her the interview copy. This was not a “rookie” officer but highly experienced and had written many reports before. This is unheard of in any police investigation. Not only this but she had photographed a 7.5 ml bottle of water which had been by the drivers feet in the driving well after he had crashed and Anderton-Jones had also photographed it after the driver had been taken away to hospital 50 minutes later. However in her report the bottle of water was NEVER MENTIONED yet we hold photos of the bottle before and after. That was DELIBERATE and CORRUPTION. EVIDENCE IGNORED.
(13) Various senior officers Superintendents and ranks below had turned down all our justified complaints including a letter dated 13th February 2015 from DCI Darren Wareing.  Yet ten months later after our family had sent evidence to twenty senior officers – some whom had turned down our complaints – we had another letter from same DCI Wareing on 18th December 2015 in which he stated “ I do respect that you are quite rightly critical of the first investigation. I am too”.
(14) Then after much pressure from our family, with DCI Wareing as the head lead officer a RE-INVESTIGATION was launched and he claimed a “NEW TEAM” was in place. In fact the SAME team and the officer Sgt.598 Gwyndaf Jones who had been heavily involved in the first investigation was placed in SOLE charge reporting to Wareing. So now he was re-investigating himself and his fellow officers involved in the failed first investigation. It was like a now not so hungry fox being put in charge of investigating how chickens had disappeared from a chicken run the previous night!!!  When we protested about this Wareing told us that he thought Jones was “sufficiently detached” from the first investigation. NO HE WAS NOT because in fact he had co-signed a written initial response to the crash – not a full investigation report – which clearly showed that the North Wales Police had a mindset already. The report was by a PC 48l Mark Lightfoot and because of the content was certainly written before PC Lightfoot interviewed the driver Geoffrey Read and Sgt. Gwyndaf Jones as the senior officer over Lightfoot co signed their first statement.

It is undated which is totally contradictory to any other police report. Both were willing stooges for the NWP COVER UP. Lightfoot stated  “The evidence from LandRover Jaguar (report from the Jaguar Car Company) and that of Dr.Waterfield indicates that Mr.Read suffering a sudden deterioration of his health MAY (my capitals) have caused a loss of consciousness. This should be viewed as SIGNIFICANT (my capitals) when considering why the Jaguar mounted the kerb, colliding with Mrs. & Ms. Service and the “Harbour Lights” newsagents.” This was a clear attempt to INFLUENCE any further investigation reports. In fact the full crash investigation report by  PC Victoria Anderton-Jones ( see No12) just PARROTS WORD FOR WORD WHAT PC LIGHTFOOT HAD WRITTEN.

It was not their job to decide what had happened. To start with, all the Jaguar Cars Report stated was that the driver had not used his brakes. This NWP report was a clear attempt to suggest that because the driver had not used his brakes he was therefore unconscious which was complete and utter rubbish.

(15) Also the later report by Glan Clwyd Hospital cardiologist Dr.N.Waterfield was based on nothing more than speculation and guesswork with NO medical evidence whatsoever. In fact the NWP admitted to us that they had NOT sent the cardiologist any of the evidence they held and SHOULD have sent him  (1)  witness statements including what the driver had told a vital witness moments after the crash – “I might have blacked out but I don’t think so”  – 63 days later when he KNEW a lady had been killed and another badly injured this was changed to “I blacked out” but in all his 90 years he had NEVER ever had a blackout confirmed by his own GP and the hospital. Despite being in a fatal crash he was NOT treated at the hospital as an emergency but as an in patient waiting his turn to be seen. (2) the driver interview which clearly contradicts facts and witness statements including where he became “unconscious” (3) his demeanour before and after the crash and (4) his health before and after the crash. EVIDENCE IGNORED.
(16)  Read even LIED what the cardiologist Dr. Waterfield had told him and the doctor stated he would go into a Court of Law to deny what Read had said. Why would he have lied when a doctor was trying to help him – because he knew he was GUILTY.
(17)  In their so called first investigation the NWP did not put out YELLOW WITNESS BOARDS appealing for fresh witnesses. They told us that they had all the witnesses they required – which was ten – but in their re-investigation they found another 22 statements so what they had told us was a complete LIE. It is well known that people remember things hours, days and even weeks later, so from the NWP perspective in their COVER UP the LESS witness statements they had, so much the better. EVIDENCE IGNORED.
(18)  Only 2 witnesses out of the original 10 were called to the Inquest  –  one did not turn up for an understandable domestic abuse reason – but two vital ones were NOT called (1) witness who Read spoke to in his car moments after and said “ I may have blacked out but I don’t think so” (2) lady next door to the crash shop  who saw Read speeding HEAD ON “way too fast” at 27 mph into the shop front. She had rushed out moments later and saw Read sitting upright, with head looking forward, and both hands clutching the wheel – a normal driving position.We were not given witness names or what they had said so could not ask questions at the Inquest which we were entitled by LAW  to do. EVIDENCE HIDDEN AND IGNORED.
(19)  NWP LIED by stating that Read only had a 5O-5O% chance of surviving and that he would be arrested as soon as he left hospital. They told us that Read had a neck and back brace put on him – a LIE – it was Helen who had both put on her. They even told their OWN police vehicle examiner Arwyn Roche  that Read had been “ critically ill” – yet another LIE.
(20) During the re-investigation, on 25th February 2016  NWP told us by E Mail and telephone that Read would be re-spoken to (police jargon for re-interviewed). NWP said there was nothing in PACE that prevented them doing so. Then on 29th February 2016 (leap year) the police stated they would re-interview Read the following week (w/e 8th March 2016). We heard nothing from them and when we phoned them up we were told that they had not re-interviewed him but given no explanation. The NWP had two meetings at Wrexham CPS on 15th and 21st March 2016 without informing us and then we discovered they had sent all the evidence down to the CPS Cardiff South Wales. Now they could turn round and tell us that as it was now out of their hands Read could not be re-interviewed – all very convenient!!!
(21)  One of several tactics against us the NWP used was the so called “Repetitious Complaint” which was false, phoney and had no basis in law. When our complaints against junior and usually senior officers were either just ignored or told not proven without any reasons given we then tried again either from ourselves or from a third party and demanded a proper answer and asked them to justify what they had done. They then came back with their “Repetitious Complaint” so that they did not have to answer our original complaint. Yes we resurrected a previous complaint because it was never answered. They did this when we were asking “awkward questions” or getting too near to the truth. The word “repetitious means involving actions and elements that are repeated MANY times. This we never did.
(22) The “Professional Standards Dept” was set up to turn down all justified complaints especially against senior officers in our case and many others and is a complete corrupt sham. The department is comprised of the same officers we and others complained about!!! Then a so called “Anti Corruption Unit” (ACU) was set up within that same department yet another layer of NWP trying to assure the public that they are tackling corruption – THEY ARE NOT BECAUSE THEY DO NOT WANT TO.
(23)  In the re-investigation of witness statements most non-police are in the HANDWRITING of corrupt Sgt.Gyndaf Jones and are NOT counter signed. In those statements are many lies and untruths which we have documented. EVIDENCE FALSIFIED.
(24)  Dr.N.Waterfield the cardiologist who saw Read 17 HOURS or more later the next morning stated that a rapid heart beat at the crash and a heart condition of Read found 8 DAYS later MAY have caused him to become unconscious – complete nonsense with not a shred of medical evidence but just guessing what he thought might have happened. Read had NO rapid heart beat at the scene as both he and witnesses know so the linking of the two 8 DAYS LATER in hospital was completely FALSE AND BOGUS.
We believe that the NWP had told Waterfield that they would not charge Read and he went along with the scenario as the “easy way out”. Read expressed surprise that he had a heart condition but had stated he had visited the hospital in 2011 with “a heart complaint”. There is no record on any hospital medical reports of him ever being in hospital with that condition and his own GP never mentions this at all – he would have known.
(25) Our family held a press conference at Llandudno on 5th June 2016 and explained all our evidence and complaints. Afterwards DI Darren Wareing stated that the re-investigation was proper and professional. So professional was it that in all the 317 DAYS spent ( more than some murder cases) the driver was NOT RE-INTERVIEWED although the NWP themselves had stated that there was nothing in PACE that prevented them doing just that and gave dates as to when they WOULD re-interview him. They did NOT. Yet another LIE from a senior police officer.
(26) Not only were the NWP senior officers liars but they were breathtakingly stupid and corrupt. How they ever got to their positions is a mystery. Probably by sucking up to officers above them and then “climbing the greasy pole”. One such officer, one of the worst, was an Inspector Neil McAdam of the Professional Standards Dept. who replied to our complaints as not proven and who openly stated in a letter that the driver Geoffrey Read had been examined by a Dr. THACKERY at the Glan Clwyd Hospital. Well the doctor who examined him was a cardiologist Dr.Nick Waterfield and the real Dr.THACKRAY was in fact the GP of Read and was in his surgery at the time 11 miles away at Colwyn Bay!!! It comes under the title of “you just could not make it up”. He was also the one who stated Read could not be breathalysed because he was in the ambulance (See No.8). A total and utter plonker, a corrupt liar.

(27) In our case the supposed “impartial” CPS and IOPC (formerly IPCC) were anything BUT. In fact they were the PRAETORIAN GUARD for the NWP. This reference is to the guard of trusted people around the Roman Emperor in ancient days who covered up for his lies and many crimes.That is exactly what both organisations did with regard to the NWP in our case.



1 thought on “

Another Flight For Justice Over Police Headquarters

  1. Absolutely disgusting…nwp have always been corrupt…its about time something was done about it…I’m so sorry for what you’ve been through and still are..stay strong Dave…from an old work colleague at brompton lodge.

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