Please read this harrowing story below about Mr David Service, his family and how they were so badly let down by the corrupt North Wales Police. This is a disgrace to the force, hang your heads in shame!!
The truth….
In April 2012, Mrs Celia Service lost her life due to the unlawful driving of Geoffrey Read, a 90-year-old Freemason and friend of David Jones MP when she was hit by Geoffrey Read’s high-powered Jaguar XF as he sought to pick up a water bottle found in the driver’s footwell.
CCTV evidence expertly examined after this tragic incident, proved that Geoffrey Read was fully ‘compos mentis’ at the time of the accident and clearly shows him attempting to pick up the water bottle.
North Wales Police headed by now retired Chief-Superintendent Simon Humphreys did not interview Geoffrey Read under caution until several weeks after the tragic incident, they failed to breathalyse Geoffrey Read at the scene or take any kind of statement from him even though he was uninjured.
Eight years on, David Service refuses to give up on getting justice for his beloved wife, despite all the obstacles North Wales Police continue to put in his way.
Keep in mind readers of the blog, that Simon Humphreys helped to protect those behind the Thoughts of Oscar blog (David Jones MP, Dylan Moore and Nigel Roberts) who shortly after the poison pen blog was forced to close and the many complaints made by the public about the blog & the police involvement, coincidently resigned from the force!!
18 months ago, I attended the Bodlondeb council offices with David Service and other members of the public, where the annual Police Commissioners AGM was taking place. In attendance were at least 20+ Conwy County Councillors, the meeting was led by the then Chief Constable Mark Polin and chaired by Cllr. Julie Fallon Smith.
The purpose for our combined visit was to help David Service in politely confronting Mark Polin regarding his force’s actions in covering up his wife’s tragic death.
David Service he politely asked the question of Mark Polin, who then callously turned around to this tearful widower and said, “Why are you asking this of me, I’ve heard it all before”.
As for Cllr Fallon Smith, she came over to me personally and said that “this was not that type of meeting, you can’t ask questions, you need to put it in writing 10 days before” she then closed the meeting.
I wanted to ask something of the Chief Constable face to face, that a North Wales police officer told me that he was ordered to arrest a Sergeant who’d recently gone to Mark Polin’s house and thumped him because he’d been having an affair with the Sergeant’s wife.
Coincidently as the these 20+ councillors left the meeting room, passing a grieving David Service, only one lady stopped to offer her condolences. Mark Polin has since retired from the force and got himself a new job at Betsi Cadwalader Health Service, he knows nothing about the NHS.
During the fly over today, I was in constant contact with the pilot, he told me that he saw police personnel exit the HQ, pointing up at him and filming the plane & banner. On behalf of David and the late Celia Service, I would like to thank all those North Wales Police Officers that came out today in support against the corrupt actions of their colleagues and to watch the flyover.
I’d also like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who works for the NHS and all of the key workers for all your hard work.
A local police officer PC Richard Eccles of North Wales Police who was also once the Secretary of the North Wales Police Federation, his son Harry Eccles 21, from Conwy, North Wales has been charged with going on to the playing area at a football match between Manchester City and Swansea in the FA Cup quarter-final, City went on to win and Harry Eccles ran onto the pitch, Harry is due to appear at Swansea Magistrates Court on April 2nd, 2019.
I think the courts need to clamp down on this behaviour to protect the players, as you know a supporter was sent to prison a few weeks ago for punching a player on the field.
Harry Eccles has been asked to resign from his job, I’m sure North Wales Police will take him back as they don’t mind you working for them even if you have convictions; they never sacked Anja Macleod and her husband the dog beaters, there are many other officers working for North Wales Police with far worse convictions.
We all get excited when our football team wins, some more than others. Harry, you should’ve known better with the job you have and where your father works.
A police museum was opened in early 2011 and Gwyn Roberts was asking the public for any exhibits or any stories to share, please call Gwyn on 07720532585, I may call you later Gwyn to see if this story is of any interest to you.
Another name that keeps popping up everywhere, Superintendent Simon Humphries he was the officer who protected ‘7 Bellies’ a.k.a. Nigel Roberts and his blog “Thoughts of Oscar” Humphries is keen to stress the museum is for policing in North Wales, rather than North Wales Police.
Now please read the link below, where PC Richard Eccles is disciplined for encouraging officers to sign a petition against a road toll.
Nigel Roberts a.k.a. ‘7 bellies’ once ran a poison pen blog called ‘Thoughts of Oscar’, he hid behind anonymity with his contributors David Jones MP and others including Bendy Wendy his wife; they terrorised people in Llandudno, Conwy and surrounding areas by publishing lies about people, they also prejudiced people’s court cases and North Wales Police were well aware of this including, Superintendent Simon Humphries and Inspector Ian Verburg.
When I made a complaint to North Wales Police regarding ugly, fat Nigel to professional standards Humphries retired to secure his pension, Verburg and Humphries let our community down. After the work I did myself and reporting this ‘gang’ to my local MP Guto Bebb, fat Nigel finally had to come clean and admit he was the author of the blog, because his ID had been blown and the community now know who he is. When he comes in to Llandudno, he has to park his car under surveillance cameras at all times.
Please see fat Nigel’s X5 below, where he is illegally parked in a loading bay outside the Travelodge in Llandudno, vehicle reg: 24 DNR, he is also causing an obstruction for the buses.
Can you also see Bendy Wendy’s BMW convertible reg: NIJ 349, she often parks up outside Café Nero’s so she can keep an eye on it, where she attends most days for a coffee and a scone.
Also see the picture below where ‘7 Bellies’ and Bendy Wendy are having a coffee at Café Nero’s, ‘7 bellies’ was overheard in a conversation telling Wendy “hurry up fatty, drink your coffee, that Creamer has just passed, I’ve got to go” she replied “Who are you calling fatty, have you had a look at yourself, it’s you they call ‘7 Bellies”, I told you we should never have done that blog ‘Thoughts of Oscar’, it would come back and bite us on the bum, you thought you had the police in your pocket”, at least with that Creamer fella he tells the truth on his blog and leaves his name and number, not like we used to do, lie & hide behind anonymity”.
‘7 Bellies’ put your belly away, the camera doesn’t lie, big brother is watching you. North Wales Police have been told to stay away from you, you have caused misery and heartache in this town, Simon Humphries had to retire because of you and Inspector Ian Verburg told lie after lie to protect you, they can’t do it anymore. I wonder if in the pictures below is Nigel trying to get information off the police about PC Mike Smith and Councillor Julie Fallon?
Finally when ‘7 Bellies’ had his newsagents in Llandudno he would never employ any males he would only employ females, information leaked out from Llandudno job centre that he would often ring them up and say he had vacancies for staff, the job centre sent quite a few girls around, those girls never lasted very long; were you one of these girls who was harassed and bullied by fat Nigel? If so, go and seek advice from a solicitor, you may be entitled to compensation.
He was also known as a sex pest, we also know Nigel often watched porn in the back of the shop. Nigel is a very lonely bitter old man, he’s got no mother, no father, no children and has now lost his blog Thoughts of Oscar thanks to me (his favourite sweets are Murray mints), more posts to follow.
When Mike Smith was a police officer in Conwy and Llandudno, going back to 2010, Mike Smith was aware who the author was of the poison pen blog ‘Thoughts of Oscar’ along with Inspector Ian Verburg and DC Don Kenyon, the public now know the troll was, ‘7 bellies’ aka Nigel Roberts.
Article 6 of the European Convention of Human Rights is a provision of the European Convention which protects the right to a fair trial in criminal law cases and cases to determine civil rights, it protects the right to a public hearing before an independent and impartial tribunal within reasonable time, the presumption of innocence and other minimum rights for those charged in a criminal case (adequate time and facilities to prepare their defence, access to legal representation, right to examine witnesses against them or have them examined, the right to the free assistance of an interpreter) everyone charged with a criminal offence shall be presumed innocent until proven guilty according to the law.
In short, everyone is entitled to a fair trial
As you readers of the blog are already aware, during my trial in 2010 for mortgage fraud my barrister told his honour Judge John Rogers QC about the poison pen blog site ‘Thoughts of Oscar’ and that I was concerned that the jury could read this site about what fat Nigel Roberts had been writing on his blog about people including myself; basically, he libelled, bullied and intimidated all behind anonymity. He made plenty of derogatory remarks about me, calling me a drug dealer but as you and the police know, I have never been arrested on any drug offences, but it’s still damaging when the jury could have read this on the Internet along with many other comments, he made about me that were untrue.
At the time fat, ugly Nigel remained anonymous and nobody knew who he was except for himself, DC Don Kenyon, Jason Davenport, the judge in the trial, and other police officers in Llandudno including Mike Smith, Superintendent Simon Humphries, who looks a bit like Nigel and one of Nigel’s contributors, the ex-Secretary of State for Wales David Jones MP, who said he doesn’t know who ‘Thoughts of Oscar’ is.
Please see his deleted tweets below and also read the link:
Amazingly when I made a complaint over the troll blog to North Wales Police, they denied all knowledge of who the author was, Simon Humphries retires with his pension and we now know North Wales Police were protecting this site. David Jones would’ve been John Rogers’s boss, as Secretary of State for Wales he was the boss of all Welsh judges at that time and as we know David Jones has been sacked by two Prime Ministers, David doesn’t like the word sacked he prefers ‘reshuffle’.
Going back to PC Mike Smith, as a serving police officer at that time why didn’t he stand up and be counted for, and tell his bosses Michael Creamer will never get a fair trial and remind the gang of Article 6, please read the FOI request below, I asked in September 2018 is PC 2364 Smith still a serving police officer?
Their response back was very vague, what we do know that is factual is Mike Smith resigned from the force; most police officers like to serve their time and look forward to the big pension and what we also know is that Mike Smith is under investigation by North Wales Police, Caernarfon Constabulary are dealing with it. Should Mike Smith be charged with a criminal offence, Article 6 applies to him and any other member of the public, innocent until proven guilty.
I am aware in the local community there are lots of people that are angry and are awaiting the outcome on Mike Smith, all I can say at this time is I have plenty of information to report on Mike Smith, but we must be patient and wait until North Wales Police have concluded their enquiry.
Finally, North Wales Police I know you read my blog albeit Ian Verburg told all his officers not to read it, I would really appreciate it if you could have a look on your website and remove CBM Mike Smith from it as he is no longer employed by North Wales Police.
Thank you, readers of the blog for the information sent to me regarding one of them having an affair with a Councillor, I’ve read this information and before I publish the texts, I’m seeking further clarification.
This blog has been temporarily closed but it is now back up and running and there will be more posts in a few days.
Please read my complaint about The Mob to PSD (Professional Standards Department) it is self-explanatory; I’m sorry it’s quite lengthy but this was their reports back, firstly by Superintendent Sian Beck from the local Policing Services at St Asaph and also a pathetic reply back by good old Detective Superintendent John Hanson, who’s now head of Professional Standards, as I’ve said before when you make a complaint to PSD (stop laughing!!) it’s the police investigating the police and if you’re not happy with the decision you then go to the IPCC (I Protect Corrupt Cops) over 70% of the staff from IPCC are ex police officers, this is throughout the country; what a great complaints procedure talk about banging your head against a brick wall.
If you are ever going to bring a claim against any officer this is the protocol you have to follow and they do their best to tire you out, but please don’t give up. It starts out like this, a local Sergeant in your area will record the complaints which will then be passed to PSD, they will gather all the information and take as long as possible and always try to resolve a complaint with a local resolution, then if you’re not happy it then goes to the IPCC, they can then take up to a year before they investigate and 9 times out of 10 they follow PSD’s decision. When all that has finished you then bring a claim against the Chief Constable in your area and take it to the County Court, I will show you in due course when I had to do this and how much money was awarded to us.
John Hanson as I’ve stated on this blog before had a meeting with Chris Walsh and head crown prosecutor Karen Dixon, it is my belief Karen Dixon was not made aware of all the facts by John and Chris. If the police want somebody charged a thorough investigation is carried out providing as much evidence as possible if they do not wish somebody to be charged should a complaint be made information is held back from the CPS. Somebody’s name was released on the Thoughts of Oscar website, this person was threatened to be killed and violence to be used, John and Chris’s advice to the complainant was that if someone makes a threat they don’t always carry it out, could you imagine readers of the blog if the threats were made regarding a police officer, they would babysit outside his property.
I can confirm that what I have mentioned above was true & factual and mentioned in headquarters but what I can’t confirm is did John Hanson pass this information on to Karen Dixon in their meeting? I’m sure if Karen would have been made aware of this somebody would have been prosecuted from that poison pen blog.
As we know Nigel Roberts a.k.a. ‘7 Bellies’ admitted to being the author, ex- Secretary of State for Wales MP David Jones carries on denying having any involvement but you have seen his deleted tweets on the previous post and North Wales Police couldn’t prosecute themselves but as you can see from the reports they do their best to close your complaints down.
How convenient for The Mob, the IPCC says in their findings “we do not consider any one’s recollection of events would be clear after such a significant length of time i.e. five years, Verberg can’t remember, Kenyon’s memory has faded and Simon Humphreys took retirement as soon as my complaint came in to save his pension but when The Mob investigated myself and Anita for mortgage fraud they went back over 20 years and cross-examined me in the witness box for over 5 days and expected me to remember every detail, every mortgage application I made, where deposits came from etc, tax I had paid stamp duty, capital gains I had paid and right down to how much money I had spent on my credit cards yet they say it’s hard to remember things 5 years ago.
The truth of the matter is they have now been caught out covering each other’s backs and worrying about their pensions.
Finally, all you people that went to Llandudno police station and reported the Thoughts of Oscar blog to Inspector Verberg, he lied to you when he said he didn’t know who the author was; I’ve been telling you for years that he knew full well who it was, The Mob then moved him over to PSD and that’s where he is today. The reports from PSD, Sian Beck, the report from John Hanson and the report from the IPCC is the biggest load of rubbish I’ve ever read but they have to cover their backs to save their pensions, if The Mob had admitted they knew who the author of the blog was they knew this would have prejudiced my trial and the case would have collapsed.
People in North Wales for many years who were harassed, abused, libelled and generally targeted, a series of individual businesses, builders, haulage firms, shops and local councillors, the abuse was all carried out behind the cloak of anonymity.
I am now going to tell you where the poison pen blog started from, Nigel ‘seven bellies’ Roberts’ father was a grumpy old man who owned the chemist in Conwy on Castle Street and various other properties, to be fair to him when he started the site it was only to have a pop at local councillors on how they waste taxpayers money.
Grumpy Paul Roberts would sit in his window above the chemist and would constantly moan to the police about the noise coming from the Bluebell pub, the landlord at that time was Tony Bluebell, landlords came and went but Paul Roberts would still moan about how loud the karaoke was etc, he led a very boring life; he was often seen walking his Alsatian to Bodlondeb, he had one child Nigel Roberts a.k.a. Seven Bellies, Nigel as a child was a very lonely boy with no friends, he wasn’t allowed to attend Aberconwy School along with the rest of us, Daddy sent ‘Seven Bellies’ to St Mary College in Rhos on Sea.
When ‘Seven Bellies’ left school he worked with his dad in his chemist but started to do his own father’s head in and got a job in W.H Smith in Llandudno stacking shelves; eventually with help and money from his father he opened a shop on Gloddaeth Avenue which was Nigel Roberts’ Newsagents, where he loved the authority of talking to the local police as the police officers would go in and buy their newspapers and Nigel would often pass on information to them, by this time ‘Seven Bellies’ started to think he was untouchable, after having no friends he became friends with half of North Wales Police along with Dylan Moore a solicitor and David Jones ex-secretary of state for Wales.
Just to let you know what ‘Seven Bellies’ is about and what he got up to in his early years he had sex in the back of his BMW in the high street with a female who owned a shop in Conwy and still has it today; I won’t mention the lady’s name, she’s done nothing wrong apart from having sex with a walrus, somebody did walk past the car and heard Nigel having sex and then reported it to his father Paul.
Tony Price was a local fisherman, a character of the town, he worked very hard and people who knew him knew he liked to have a drink. One night Tony Price was drinking in the Bluebell, he went to the toilets but they were busy so he went out of the side door, crossed the road and he ended up in the alleyway on Paul Roberts’ driveway next to the chemist where he relieved himself. Nigel ‘Seven Bellies’ Roberts and his father Paul came charging out of the property and hit Tony Price over the head with a club, leaving him with two black eyes and a split nose, Tony’s face was black and blue; ‘Seven Bellies’ and his father, after attacking Tony who was innocently relieving himself against the wall, these two nutters reported Tony Price to the police, saying that Tony was trying to rob the chemist takings, anybody who knew of Tony Price knew full well he would never do that. Tony was a hard worker and a wealthy man but Nigel ‘Seven Bellies’ Roberts and his father had to come up with an alibi as to why they attacked Tony Price, the case was eventually discontinued.
When ‘Seven Bellies’ ran his newsagents in Llandudno, he often asked some of the female staff “did they want to go in the back with him to watch porn?”, a female member of staff told me this and asked that she be kept anonymous which I respect. Nigel was easy bait, a female was paid to go and see him and have sex with him to try and get information, which she carried out with ease. She has always said I do not wish my name to be put on social media, her wish has to be respected and will be, but ‘Seven Bellies’ I’ve seen the picture of you with your trousers down, with your belly hanging out and believe me it’s not a nice sight, I certainly wouldn’t inflict it on the public, also Mike Naughton the Private Investigator did a fantastic job doing his work.
‘Seven Bellies’, I enjoyed tracking you down; remember 3 weeks ago today, you were sitting outside Café Nero, the time was 4:30 pm and I shouted at you “what are you looking at fatty?” as you glanced over at me, all the people outside the café looked on in amazement as I was making remarks to you and your wife. What are you going to do? Go to the police? I’ll tell any court I called you fatty, you’re 10 stone over weight ha ha, I’ll keep quiet for now what I’ve got to say about your wife bendy Wendy.
Grumpy Paul Roberts, who had gone on to remarry one of his members of staff at the chemist you will remember her the one with ginger hair, when he passed away ‘Seven Bellies’ was fuming because she was going to get some of his inheritance, ‘Seven Bellies’ went around to the property she shared with his dad and packed all her clothes up etc and threw them out.
By now ‘Seven Bellies’ in his own mind thought he was untouchable, he took over the poison pen blog Thoughts of Oscar from his late dad; the name Oscar was the name of his dog and now with his father no longer here and him being the only child he stood to inherit everything. His wife is called Wendy Roberts, if you see her walking around Llandudno with Nigel, she usually has lipstick smudged around her face, they have no children Nigel ‘Seven Bellies’ little baby was the Thoughts of Oscar blog.
This blog he now ran with Dylan Moore and the ex-Secretary of State for Wales David Jones. David Jones is the only MP to be sacked by two Prime Ministers, David Cameron sacked him when he was Secretary of State for Wales and just recently Theresa May also sacked him, so you can imagine when they were running the blog the power went to their heads, this blog was protected by the Secretary of State for Wales and also North Wales Police. Superintendent Simon Humphrey’s was giving this site protection, I’m not going to go into it too much about the site most Welsh people are familiar with the poison pen blog so please read the articles that were in the press.
Inspector Emma Naughton from North Wales Police was asked to seize David Jones’ computer as there was material on there which may have related to a prosecution, she refused to do anything about it.
I have told you before that in 2011 when my mother and daughter visited me in prison they told me of the nasty, vindictive and untrue comments that were put on this blog, I told my mother and daughter on my release I will hunt these perpetrators down who are running that blog and bring them to justice which I did, although the police refused to bring any charges against them because the police couldn’t charge themselves, MP David Jones still claims he doesn’t know who Thoughts of Oscar is, please read his deleted tweets:
Remember these people upset so many people’s lives and think they can walk away from it scot-free, well they can’t this is why I keep reminding the public what they were about and how they tormented people. The Mob continues to deny their involvement, again when Judge John Rogers QC during my trial at Mold Crown Court in 2010 told Don Kenyon to go and remove those nasty, vindictive comments regarding Michael Creamer which were all untrue and to speak to Oscar, eventually Simon Humphreys sent Ian Verburg there, remember Ian Verburg, when other members of the community complained regarding this blog, Verburg said to them “don’t read the blog, I don’t know who Oscar is”, not telling them the truth that he knew full well who Oscar was as he’d been sent to speak to him previously.
You had David Jones MP ex-Secretary of State for Wales who was Judge John Rogers’ boss, then you had the ‘mad mullah’ Chief Constable Richard Brunstom who was Superintendent Humphreys boss and then the foot soldiers Don Kenyon, Jason Davenport, Nicolas Hawe and many more.
The jury at my trial in 2010, when you were excused all this was going on behind-the-scenes, you wouldn’t have known nothing about it. Now you have read about this part of the gang, should any of you have read that poison pen blog during my trial then it would have been prejudiced if you had please call my mobile on 07977928434 or contact a solicitor. This was a miscarriage of justice, please help me seek justice and come forward, when I was telling people about this gang people thought I was a nut case and I needed locking up as I must’ve been making this up, can you now see how you people were deceived by the authorities? Nigel Roberts has since had his shop vandalised and his vehicles have been damaged please see the pictures below.
Please see the article below Guto Bebb is talking to the Prime Minister Theresa May I wonder what they were talking about, was it the Thoughts of Oscar blog or about the corruption within North Wales Police? I have shown on this blog before Guto Bebb’s speech which was raised at the House of Commons, please listen to his speech if you have not heard it before.
Robert Jones Welch a retired member of The Mob, once served at Llandudno and was a former police traffic officer based at Caernarvon. Jones Welch was found hanged near his home, after facing being charged over allegations of sexual abuse on a young girl. The young girl was only 12 when the abuse was said to have started, in this case the girl will never get justice as Jones Welch killed himself which is so sad for the victim and the family.
Jones Welch’s wife was also a copper Carys Jones Welch. What is quite alarming in this case, is the police tell members of the public to be vigilant in cases like this and obviously with terrorist attacks, in this case you have a man and wife who were both police officers and yet the wife has no idea of what’s going on. You must ask yourself because he took his own life, he escapes a proceeds of crime? He still has a full police pension, don’t you think readers of the blog, his police pension should have been given to his victim? I’m sure his wife wouldn’t have been that cheeky to take his pension.
It goes without saying, we need law and order and good honest police men and women to police our streets and protect the public and there are some good police officers that serve our communities 365 days a year and do a fantastic job, you only have to look at what happened recently in Manchester and London and how quick they responded but in North Wales the records speak for themselves, corruption.
North Wales police officers stealing money, they stole mine I produced a set of accounts to Superintendent John Hanson at HQ when my solicitor was present, John Hanson wouldn’t look at the accounts or the paperwork, so I made a complaint to Professional Standards regarding this matter. Superintendent Andy Jenks Gilbert took the complaint and a full investigation was carried out and it was proved John Hanson did not investigate properly, how convenient, Jenks Gilbert retired quite quickly and who took over his job? Superintendent John Hanson.
Karen Dixon from the CPS wouldn’t have been informed of my money that went missing, The Mob would keep that away from her. This is separate money from the £350,000 they have just stolen from me for the trumped-up charge of mortgage fraud, Superintendent John Chapman, you know about this money that went missing and when I called your office you refused to speak to me.
I’m not going away Mr Chapman I want my money if I have to call to your house on a peaceful protest I will, as John Hanson has done his best to brush my complaint under the carpet that went to Professional Standards because Andy Jenks Gilbert knows the real truth about my money.
Gordon Anglesey retired Superintendent abused boys, Ian James Clarke raped a woman, Martyn Parmley was sacked for going on the police computer not for policing purposes, Andy Gill sacked for going on the police national computer not for policing purposes, PC David Gardner arrested a male & while this person was locked up he went and had sex with the man’s partner, another Llandudno police officer PC Gary Donnelly was jailed for 18 months for sexual assault on a 14-year-old girl.
PC James Cleverly Evans was jailed for 28 months for down loading indecent images of children, PC Wyn Morris a former member of The Mob was jailed for 4 1/2 years for sexually abusing a young girl.
PC Dave Parminter bullied and assaulted children in Conwy, PC Steve Carroll another lunatic with the helicopter, his story will be told in due course. Inspector Paul Joyce the Iceland bag man, Inspector Ian Verburg “I don’t know who Thoughts of Oscar is, I just want my pension because I’m moving to Fuerteventura soon to get away from all this shit, I must have looked a right plonker Michael because I sent memos to all police stations in North Wales telling all the officers not to look on your blog Michael Creamer versus The Mob” but everybody in the country is looking at it, they are coming down in the middle of the night just to check their names are not appearing on it, they are embarrassed for their children and grandchildren to see how corrupt they have been. Ian, your first wife who is a serving police officer, who lives in Anglesey she loves the site!!
DC Don Kenyon along with Jason Davenport and Nicholas Hawe, have wasted thousands of pounds on the police helicopter flying over properties I owned taking photos for a victimless crime, the helicopter cost £1000 per hour and The Mob say the helicopter is only called to emergencies.
The ex-chief constable the mad mullah Richard Brunstom, ordered Don Kenyon to send the helicopter up as part of Operation Pylon. The mad mullah, whilst a serving officer kissed a woman in Bangor, who is just a normal member of the public, next thing you know she’s a copper and then became a police sergeant very fast…carrying on behind his wife’s back, hmmm!!!
Don’t worry her name will be revealed later on, along with a few other bobbies who thought they were having secret affairs behind their wife’s back, I know who they are and I’m going to name them.
You think you can abuse your powers and stitch people up like you have done to me and my family.
Al the above as mentioned are North Wales police officers, the corruption is unbelievable we can only hope and pray that the new young police officers they are recruiting are honest and will be good police offices to serve our communities in North Wales.
It really is frightening to think how many of the above mentioned, bent officers are sex pests and have given evidence in our courts in Wales and help get people convicted, this has got to stop, one day it could be you or one of your daughters or sons who could be fitted up by The Mob.
Then we have “who ate all the pies, who ate all the pies” Superintendent Simon Humphreys, he was told ‘quick Simon clear your desk if this complaint sticks you will lose your pension’, his desk was cleared and he was gone through the night. This was the copper that protected the poison pen blog Thoughts of Oscar and prejudiced my trial at Mold Crown Court, The Mob knew they had done that and they had all told lies to protect themselves. The blog Thoughts of Oscar was run by 7 Bellies Nigel Roberts, the ex-secretary state for Wales David Jones MP and Dylan Moore, it was protected by Simon Humphreys and co.
Please remember readers of the blog, these evil, vile people libeled people and people have committed suicide. Conwy Council were pulling their hair out and the police kept on lying to the public and the council saying they don’t know who it is they were all in bed together, nobody knew who the authors were and yet some little boy who was born in Upper Parliament Street, Liverpool on the 9th of September 1964, name Michael Creamer, he took the police on and wouldn’t take no for an answer and got that poison pen blog closed down by himself, there were people that helped him and gave him information, I have thanked you, but once again thanks for your help. The Mob by now, knew they had been caught out and were trying to cover their tracks and the officers who were involved were panicking thinking they were going to lose their pensions and some officers were moved round.
I’m not one to blow my own trumpet, but I had caught them all out, they are liars, thieves, rapists and I don’t know how they can sleep straight in bed at night. Have you noticed not one of them lot and there are some very powerful people here have served a writ on me for slander, none of them can because I’m telling the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, you know if I had slandered one of them they still wouldn’t do it because it’s civil and they would have to pay out of their own pockets, the Chief Constable Brunstom, the mad mullah, he’s the one who couldn’t even pay for his car tax!
But once again I’m telling the truth, what The Mob are very good at is spending the taxpayer’s money, they love criminal cases because it doesn’t come out of their pockets, remember all those helicopters Don Kenyon and Steve Carroll sent up, all for a victimless crime.
When you get your wages on Friday, check your deductions and think of them helicopter rides you paid for and everything else you’ve paid for the police to spend on.
David Jones ex Secretary State for Wales was sacked by David Cameron then sacked by Theresa May, he fiddled over £80,000 in expenses and was the author of the Thoughts of Oscar blog and to this day has still not been prosecuted and has not received a proceeds of crime and neither have any of the officers that committed crimes.
Shortly I will be writing to Her Majesty the Queen and to the Prime Minister, asking why North Wales police are employing so many paedophiles etc and saying not one of them has had a proceeds of crime order.
Finally read below, former top cop, Steve Curtis, Assistant Chief Constable of North Wales threatened somebody at the gun club, saying ‘I will kill you’ but has selective memory, as he can’t recall saying this at the tribunal but he remembers using the C word, also another former senior officer Gary Ashton was suspended from the same gun club.
What do you think readers of the blog, do you think this lot sound like bullies or am I just imagining it?
Thank you for your comments and emails etc I know a lot of people keep stopping me in the street asking when Gary John and Gary Sky are going to be on here, all I can say is it’s coming and I will give you a date very soon.