Warning this story is graphic and may offend and upset you.
Ex superintendent Gordon Anglesea and a Freemason turns up to the boy’s homes in his penguin suit to abuse boys. Anglesea’s colleague who was a traffic sergeant, told Mold Crown Court when he was giving his evidence, he told the jury that he was not happy about Anglesea turning up at Wrexham attendance centre in his Freemason attire, Anglesea replied ‘I have just been to a meeting at the Lodge’, he was a man who loves to show his authority and power.
Gordon Anglesea
You heard in the last post about Mr A, now we will talk about the second victim, we will call him Mr B. He gave his evidence from behind a screen, where only the judge and the jury could see him, you often heard Mr B’s voice raised and he used foul language shouting at Anglesea from the witness box, you would just see a hand come from behind the screen pointing to the dock, shouting that man has ruined my life, I’ve drank a lot of alcohol & abused drugs trying to block out of my mind what that man has done to me.
He said he was taken out of the home and taken to a private dwelling where he claimed he was indecently assaulted. Mr B was taken by the convicted paedophile John Allen to somewhere in Mold and there he claims he was abused by Gordon Anglesea, Mr B described the dwelling as a sandstone house and claims he was passed around like a handbag by John Allen for the others to abuse him, those men included Gordon Anglesea.
John Allen
He described in court that Anglesea was a nasty piece of work and that he had a birthmark on his face, wore glasses and had something to do with the police, he said there was a group of men at the property and he described to the jury how he was made to perform oral sex on Gordon Anglesea, whilst the other two masturbated over him, all the men ejaculated over the boy; he also told the jury that the men got a dog to lick the semen off of him, Mr B claimed the dog had bit his penis, making him bleed, he then described how he picked the dog up and threw it across the room.
He was forced to perform oral sex by Anglesea under the threat that he would never see his parents again and he would be sent far away, when Anglesea was interviewed by the National Crime Agency, he was asked ‘Are you that person that made those threats to Mr B?’ Gordon Anglesea replied I have nothing further to say!!
I can tell you readers of the blog, after listening to the evidence from Mr A & Mr B, where they both broke down in court, as well as hurling abuse at Anglesea in the dock it was very emotional listening to both men although they were 14-year-old boys when this happened.
I became quite friendly during the 6-week trial with a 92 year old lady who was in the public gallery and her husband who was 96, both were in good health and looked really well; after talking with the lady she asked my what was my interest in the trial & where was I from? I told her I was from Conwy & remained silent about my interest, she went on to tell me she was from Colwyn Bay & that she had been a magistrate for over 30 years when she was younger, she had sent boys to Bryn Estyn from the court and when she phoned Bryn Estyn & spoke to the deputy, she identified herself as the magistrate and asked could she go to the home to see how the boys are getting on, she was told they were not there today, they’re out doing sporting activities and she was always put off from visiting. Later on, she started hearing these stories of what had been going on there, she was in the court to see justice for the victims. Take it from me, she was deeply saddened and upset & felt guilty for having sent boys to that home.
I also met a retired headmaster from Wrexham who was listening to the trial and said he had taught Anglesea’s children, he went on to say that Anglesea was a horrible man. I met a licensee who owned a pub in Llangollen, he too said that Gordon Anglesea was a horror and got his pub closed for having late night drinks. All this was going on & he was abusing children.
I can tell you nobody in that public gallery had a good word to say about that paedophile Gordon Anglesea.
One of the boys who went to the attendance centre described how he with his friend used to go to a well-known hotel in Wrexham doing the markets, helping a man named Arthur who’d have a stall on the market, would go back to the hotel, Arthur would book a room and his friend would go into the room where he would get paid to have sex with Arthur. The first young boy would have nothing to do with these activities, he gave evidence in court, saying Gordon Anglesea would go into the room to see Arthur, this lad saw a CID officer in Wrexham town centre & reported these strange activities concerning Anglesea and the hotel room.
The lad who reported it thought no more of it. One day he had gone to the shop to buy some cigarettes for his mum and the fella that was in the shop who was about to serve him, said to the young lad ‘I’ve been warned about you & to keep an eye on you as you allegedly do a bit of shoplifting’. So the young lad picked up a wad of sweets, threw them at the shopkeeper & ran out, on his way out he picked up a pack of bubble gum to the value of less than £2.
Later that day, the young boy was arrested and taken to Wrexham police station, where he was kept in the cells overnight, much to his surprise, guess who came to his cell………..the paedophile Anglesea!!
The young lad told Anglesea to f*** off. This is what he told the jury, the young boy eventually went before the courts and was remanded to Risley remand centre for stealing £2 of bubble gum; in those days, there was no CPS, the superintendent used to talk to the clerk of the court. this was Anglesea’s way of paying the young boy back, because he had reported him to CID for going to the hotel where Arthur was having sex with the young lad and Anglesea was there.
Please remember there were over 12 boys who committed suicide that attended these homes in Wrexham because they were never believed by the establishment and the boys complaints went nowhere.
Let’s just have a look at some of the people that visited this home, Jimmy Saville & his brother, a number of MP’s, high ranking police officer, John Allen who was given life imprisonment and who was in a paedophile ring, also Peter Howarth the deputy at one of the homes, he was sent to prison and died in custody.
Peter Howarth
How convenient, Gordon Anglesea wanted his trial to be heard in England, it was sent to the Old Bailey in London then referred to Mold. For being the good copper that Gordon Anglesea said he was, you would have thought he would want his trial in his home town of Mold, but the Welsh jury saw right through this evil man.
Now moving back to the trial, when we were approx. half way through the trial, one day during the afternoon, the judge excused everybody from the court that was all the journalists, the national crime agency, the jury & people in the public gallery, most people were then sitting in the cafeteria & wondering what was going on. The court doors to No. 1 court room were locked, the doors to the gallery were locked and the door to where the barristers & the police come in were also locked and nobody knew why, it had been adjourned, I remember looking at my watch, it was 3.20 in the afternoon & was going to leave the court until the next day, just before 2 G4 security came through into the café, they walked straight over to me and said could I accompany them as the judge wished to see me in court no.1.
We walked over to the court, they unlocked the doors, the journalists & everyone else there were looking at me, wondering why I was going into the court. Once in here, the judge told me to take a seat in the witness box, there was just his honour Judge Geraint Walters, Elinor Laws QC the prosecution Barrister, Gordon Anglesea’s Barrister Tania Griffiths and Anglesea was in the dock. The judge asked me ‘have you been using your mobile phone or sent any texts from the gallery?’ I replied ‘No your honour’ & went in my pocket to get my mobile phone out and said ‘I swear on the bible I have not used my phone and asked would he like to check it? I also said I’m on a contract and all my calls & texts could be traced’.
The judge was very polite and said ‘No, no I don’t need to check your phone’, he also asked me did I know any of the witnesses, I replied no, he then said take a seat in the back of the court, he said I’m going to call your wife in now or it could be your girlfriend, I told him it’s neither your honour, the young lady your seeing me with is studying law in university, that girl was called in and asked the same questions and everything was fine.
Once we left the court, the trial restarted & I would like to say one thing, when I was in the witness box, I looked across to the dock and saw the paedophile sitting behind the glass, it was priceless to see his face, knowing he was sitting there on trial I mentioned this incident to my solicitor, he said that wouldn’t happen in any court in Britain, it would have been Anglesea’s Barrister Tania Griffiths complaining to the judge about my blog & probably trying to get a retrial, nothing was put on the blog during the trial and they know that.
Out of all the people in the public gallery I was sat there quiet with a girl who’s studying law and the judge decides to bring me into court, how strange!!
Elinor Laws QC for the prosecution was a very good Barrister & elegant when she cross examined the PE instructor from the attendance centre, in his evidence he remembers taking the boys to the gym, but he doesn’t remember any showers being in the building, but them young boys tried their best to remember all that time ago, where the showers were and drew diagrams of the layout.
Another copper who gave evidence for Anglesea, signed a 5-page statement to the National Crime Agency, when cross examined by Miss Laws, his statement was wrong, he said he didn’t write it, they wrote it & he just signed it. How pathetic, he had been a copper for over 25 years, him & the PE teacher, both trying to stick up for Anglesea.
Anglesea was awarded £375,000 for the libel case, this should be taken off him & given to his victims.
When the paedophile was found guilty, why was he allowed to leave through the back doors and given bail until the 4th of November?
This man is a danger to the public.
Judge John Rogers QC remanded me in custody for a victimless crime & no complainee; yet Anglesea can walk around free, we can only hope & pray he gets a lengthy prison term.