Following on from the previous posts, I named the 70 police officers and other individuals involved in this investigation, below are more officers involved:
71) the deputy Chief Constable Clive Wolfendale who was the senior investigator in this operation and was responsible for the waste of the public’s money that was spent
72) the main foot-soldier DC 2313 Don Kenyon
73) 883 Garry Martin
74) 1672 Kimberly Owen
75) 1555 Lisa Jones
76) DC1833 Stephen Anthony Lloyd
77) Superintendent Simon Shaw
78) David Gerwyn Lloyd
79) 343 Ramessur Williams
80) 1580 Heaney
The Chief Constable Richard Brunstom a.k.a. the mad mullah and the Deputy Chief Constable Clive Wolfendale were the main 2 officers behind this investigation, I told you readers of the blog how this force has spent over 20 million pounds of mugs money on me you are entitled to see how these two senior officers and their foot soldiers have wasted the public purse.
Before I show you the costings of what the lawyers received in my trial, try and work this one out, Llandudno have had a tatty old police station for years, they have recently demolished the old one and replaced it with a state-of-the-art one costing £2.75 million it was sanctioned by the Police and Crime Commissioner who at the time was Winston Roddick, the new Crime Commissioner is Arfon Jones and when he was a serving police officer in the Wrexham area he was the driver for the convicted paedophile Gordon Anglesey, he gave evidence at Anglesey’s trial at Mold Crown Court confirming he would drop Anglesey off at Bryn Estyn the children’s home but he wouldn’t pick him up. Arfon Jones has just appointed the new Chief Constable and is always asking the council for more money for policing purposes.
How has he got the nerve to ask for more money when Clive Wolfendale wasted millions and millions of the public purse on a victimless crime against Michael Creamer, once again readers of the blog there was no complainee.
Now, let’s have a look at what the lawyers received. The CPS, Mold Crown Court and other agencies i.e. Legal Aid board have refused to give me the costings so I asked a solicitor involved in the trial how much did each firm of solicitors and barristers receive? As I have stated before this was a VHCC Case (Very High Cost Case). This is what the solicitor tells me he got, approximately £60,000 plus VAT total £72,000, 17 solicitors x £72,000 = £1,224,000. Each barrister received £90,000 pounds plus VAT total £108,000, 17 barristers x £108,000 = £1,836,000 and as you have already read the prosecution barrister received £125,000 plus VAT total for prosecution = £150,000.
Total costing for the above lawyers = £4,434,000
Now let’s have a look at how much the judge would have been paid. The Lord Chief Justice in England and Wales is Britain’s best paid judicial figure, receiving £244,665 a year, while another 62 judges earn more than £200,000 according to figures from the last salary review board; the trial judge in my case was his honour Judge John Rogers QC, he was retired and then came out of retirement just to do my trial in 2010. Rogers, by doing my trial and the proceeds of crime hearing in 2011, he would have in total worked approximately eight weeks earning going off the figures above would have received in the region of £40,000, well worth coming out of retirement!!
Now think about this readers of the blog, my apologies for repeating myself, Michael Creamer owed nobody any money, a victimless crime and no complainee, common sense should prevail; it is not in the public’s interest to prosecute this man and his wife. John Rogers before the start of the trial was aware how much the legal aid board were footing this trial over £5,000,000 the greedy fat cats must have been licking their lips at this trial, again this was the mad mullah and Clive Wolfendale’s personal vendetta and the mugs were paying for it, that’s you members of the public.
You may well have a job earning between £30,000 and £50,000 a year minus your tax deductions, contributing to our legal aid board. One thing I can tell you our judges in England and Wales and lawyers would never fake the legal aid system OMG!! I nearly fell off my chair with laughter. Please read the link below its of great interest:
The court service will not give me a breakdown of how much the jurors were paid over a 7-week trial and also the 2 ushers that were always present in the court room, all the court staff, all the administration work, the cost of North Wales Police officers sitting in the court room every day doing nothing, I’ve already told you there was over a ton and a half of paperwork. It is quite amazing that anybody in England and Wales gets convicted of a crime and it goes to the Crown Court, you can’t see a barrister, you have to see a solicitor first, give them all the details of the case, he then prepares it and sends it to the barrister, and Then a barrister represents you in Crown Court, wouldn’t it be easier to see the barrister first and cut out the middleman? You could save millions of pounds in just doing this alone, I suppose that’s a bit too hard for the lawyers to think of.
I would now like to ask the police and crime commissioner to North Wales Arfon Jones what he thinks about this case, the mad mullah Richard Brunsom is now retired and the ex-deputy chief constable Clive Wolfendale has also retired from the force, this is only some of the ways you have seen how they have spent your money on me, they have spent a lot more and you’ll see this on the next post.
Judge John Rogers says that Michael Creamer led a persistent, carefully planned and professionally executed mortgage fraud. The Mob to try and bolster their case, came up with a credit card fraud; I had the same credit cards for over 20 years and still have them, on a more recent application which was approximately in 2007 the application was filled in for a card on my behalf and the figures I earned were not accurate, the credit card company was not interested they were bullied by North Wales police to come and give evidence. What I found quite strange was when I paid the proceeds of crime £350,000 some of the money was paid off my credit card to the mob, all of a sudden, it’s not credit card fraud when they accept payments, I have the receipts of the payments to them.
John Rogers also commended Don Kenyon the officer who led the investigation, quite amazing how Don Kenyon doesn’t remember going in the witness box when I made a complaint to professional standards, he said his memory had faded you have read his comments on previous posts.
The Paedophile Post prints ‘Busted, main orchestrater sees his criminal empire crumble as he’s locked up with his wife’, how strange, that 8 years later I’m still living in the same house, driving the same car and still have those personalised number plates. The Paedophile Post wouldn’t do a FOI request to see how much North Wales Police had spent on me over £20,000,000 of mugs money, that’s what you spent readers of the blog. No mention in the paper the cost of the trial and no mention that Michael Creamer owed nobody any money, this is a fact, so anyone wanting to make a freedom of information request can see for themselves, bullshit sells papers. They also printed a semi-professional footballer was involved, sounds good doesn’t it? A lad who plays for Conwy United, most people in North Wales have never heard of Conwy United and don’t know where their football ground is and they also say my partner in crime was Steve Jones, he’s no friend of mine, he completed a couple of applications on my behalf.
Finally, Clive Wolfendale yourself and the CPS lawyer Simon Curzon did a good job in making the conspiracy, some of those people in that conspiracy I don’t know them, I’ve never seen them or spoken to them, you were settling a personal vendetta with mugs money.
Can’t believe the lawyers in my trial got more money than what it cost to build Llandudno police station. This story continues in a couple of days.